Present Perfect Continuous - Basic English Grammar Lesson


I’ve been trying to film this video  all day but it keeps going wrong

What does that mean? Does it  mean have you been trying to film  

but youve given up? Does it mean  that I’ve now finished filming?

Today were talking about the present perfect  continuous tense, which we use to talk about  

an activity that is ongoing. But how does it work?

The present perfect continuous tense  is created using 4 words in the correct  

order at the beginning of a sentence. I have been playing the piano all morning

First of all, we have the  subject, so in this case: “I”. 

Then, we usehaveorhas”  depending on the subject

Next, is the wordbeen”.  This is the part that shows  

the activity is ongoing and it doesn’t change  no matter what the subject or the verb is

And finally, we have the main  verb, with aningending

“I have been playingAnd then you can finish off  

the sentence, including details of the activity  and how long it has been going on for, usually  

by adding the subject and then a time phrase. “I have been playing the piano all morning.”

Here's a pro tip: if you want to sound more likenative speaker, you can get a little bit lazy.  

Well often use a contraction of the subject and  “has/have”, which means we shorten it to one word.  

I have becomes “I’ve”. You have  becomesyouve”. They have becomes  

theyve”. He has becomeshe’s”. She has  becomesshe’s”. Anna has becomesAnna’s”. 

Anna’s been teaching English all morning.

Now let’s talk about those time phrasesWhat’s the difference between the wordfor”  

and the wordsince”? This is a very  common mistake with non-native English  

speakers so let’s go through it carefully. The wordforis used when you are talking about  

an amount of time. For example, “She  practiced the dance for 2 hoursor  

“I’ve been at the bus stop for half an hour”. The wordsinceis used when you want to say the  

start time. For example, “I’ve been here since  6 o’clockor “I’ve lived in this house since  

2011”. If you want to be less specific, you could  sayfor a while”. “I’ve been thinking about it  

for a while”. This usually means for quitelong time, but not a specific amount of time.  

If you want to say that you have not been doing  something for a long time, without being too specific,  

you could sayfor a little while”. Person 1: Sorry I’m late!  

Have you been waiting long? Person 2: Only a little while.

Another time phrase you can use isalland  then a longer time period. For example, “I’ve  

been here all weekor “I’ve been trying to call you all month”. Again, this comes from native  

speakers being lazy. It meansfor all of the”, so  rather than saying “I’ve been trying to find you  

for all of the day”, a native speaker would  simply say “I’ve been trying to find you all day”.

So now I’m going to say 5 sentences, leaving  a space for the wordfororsince”.  

I’ll pause for a few seconds between each one to let you think about your answer.

Ok, are we ready? Number one

“I’ve been playing tennis ____ last year.” 

The answer is since. I’ve been  playing tennis since last year

He’s been talking about it ___ weeks!” The answer isfor”. He’s been  

talking about it for weeks.

Next question, number threeTheyve been driving ____ hours.”

The answer isfor”. Theyve  been driving for hours

“I’ve been dancing _____ I was 6 years old.” 

The answer issince”. I’ve been  dancing since I was 6 years old

And the final question...

She’s been annoying me ____ all morning.”

I'm sorry. That was a trick question! We don’t usefororsincewhen we sayall morning”, so the full  sentence is: She’s been annoying me all morning!

What was your score out of 5?  Let me know in the comments section below

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