hello and welcome to how to speak

English fluently a special presentation

that will help you build your confidence

and fluency in the English language I'm

Gabby Wallace your American English

teacher and this is a go natural English

production so let's talk I want to

introduce myself briefly if you don't

know me yet and tell you a little bit

about go natural English I have some

updates to share with you and I want to

tell you why this is not an English

class this is a short presentation but

you don't really need an English class

and I'm going to tell you why also we're

going to discuss what kind of learner

you are and what kind of learner you

should be in order to reach true fluency

in English there are a few things you

might think you need but you don't

really need them to learn English and

I'm going to share that with you along

with the effective go natural English

seven steps to fluency the best method

to learn English the natural way and

remember you have the power you can

speak English so let's get started I'm

Gabby Wallace this is a picture of me

when I was about three years old now

ever since I was a little girl

I've loved learning and I've loved

languages so I have spent a lot of time

studying languages in school but I

realized that I wasn't able to learn how

to speak in school because in class my

language teachers would always focus on

reading or writing so I had to learn

fluency in a 2nd language outside of the

classroom and I've developed my own

method for that which is go natural


go natural English is turning four years

old this year 2015 so go natural English

is now older than I was in this picture

I'm sharing with you now can you believe

it it's hard to believe but time flies

so that is one update for years of

helping people to learn the English

language and I have loved every minute

of it now it is time to put together the

go natural English method the best

strategies a step-by-step guide for

learning English and real conversations

with transcripts and focus on important

phrases in the go natural English book

you can pre-order your copy of the go

natural English book at

gonaturalenglish.com slash book B oh


this month April 2015 is especially

important for that book as we are

funding a promotional campaign on

Kickstarter so if you grab your copy of

the book now during April 2015 you can

get the book faster and cheaper then in

the future when the book is available

for the public so take advantage of this

special update all right this is not an

English class this is a picture of a

meet-up event a live in-person event

that I held with members of the go

natural English community in Ho Chi Minh

City Vietnam we met together to talk

about the go natural English method and

to connect face to face and have some

great English conversation together so

it wasn't a lecture they didn't have to

sit and take notes or remember grammar

or take a test

we were using the language to become

friends and that is part of how you

learn English with confidence and with

fluency so we have to take English out

of the classroom and make it part of our

daily lives what kind of learner are you

are you a classroom learner or are you

an independent learner

do you wait for your teacher to tell you

what to do or do you take initiative and

take action to learn on your own or

together with your friends what kind of

learner are you I want to encourage you

to become an independent English

language learner I remember when I was

learning Spanish language in university

and I would learn how to read and write

in my classes with my teacher but I

didn't learn how to speak so I wanted to

learn how to speak so I went outside the

classroom and I made friends with

Spanish speakers in my community that's

how I became fluent I learned some

vocabulary words with my friends that my

teacher didn't teach me and the textbook

didn't teach me when I used those words

in class my teacher asked me where did

you learn those words I didn't teach you

those words and maybe she was a little

surprised that I was learning how to

become a fluent Spanish speaker

independently but that is how I learned

to speak with confidence like a native

speaker so I encourage you to use the go

natural English method to become an

independence English language learner

there are some things that you don't

really need to learn English

you don't need a classroom you can learn

conversational English better

outside of the classroom in real life or

using resources online you don't even

need a teacher to learn English you need

a guide such as the go natural English

method and you need feedback but there

are ways of getting feedback from your

friends or perhaps from a tutor or from

a teacher but you don't have to have a

teacher in order to reach confidence and

fluency in English what you do need is

motivation and you need a bit of

independence and initiative which means

to take action for your own learning you

also don't need a textbook this might

surprise you because a lot of English

learners want to know what is the best

textbook to use to become fluent in

English well I will tell you that you

don't need a textbook at all you just

need to know how to learn how to use

resources and materials that are

available many times for free all around

us in daily life and online so it might

be a surprise but you don't need a

classroom and you don't need a textbook

to really learn English what you do need

is the go natural English seven simple

steps to fluency number one is plan

number two listen number three check

number four repeat number five Connect

number six use number seven review I'd

like to explain each step briefly so

that you can use this method plan means

to think about what kind of conversation

you want to have in English what is the

situation when you will need to use

English so think about what you want to


and to whom you want to say it number

two listen you need to listen to a lot

of English and read a lot of English but

especially listen if you want to be

fluent in conversational English you

need to listen to other people speaking

English so you can do this in a lot of

fun ways by finding something you are

interested in and listening to it number

three check so when you hear new words

that you're not familiar with wait until

you're finished listening and then check

the words using a dictionary or

searching for the word online or asking

a friend so check the meaning in more

than one way

number four is repeats as soon as you

hear a new word or a phrase that you

want to be able to remember and use

repeat it say it out loud to yourself

and repeat it many times it takes

several times to really remember a word

so don't be shy to repeat new words over

and over again number five

connects our motivation to learn

language mostly comes from wanting to

connect with people so make sure that

you have a way to connect with other

English speakers they can be other

English learners too but connecting and

making valuable friendships will keep

you motivated and it will help your

fluency in English so let's connect

together you can connect with go natural

English on social media facebook.com

slash go natural English and twitter.com

slash go natural egg that's gon a tea

you are al e n G number six is use you

need to use English and keep it fresh in

order to stay fluent so learn a little

bit learn a few new

phrases and then use them as much as

possible it's so important that you use

English every chance you get don't be

shy just use anything you can and it's

okay if you make mistakes because that's

how we learn

number seven is review always review

what you've learned a week later a month

later review review review it's so

important to review and repeat to keep

your memories strong and to keep your

English fresh I want you to believe like

I believe in you that you have the power

to speak fluent confident English as a

human being we all have the ability to

learn language and to use it that is

what is so awesome and incredible about

learning languages we have the power to

use language to connect with other

people to make friendships to have

success in our personal lives and our

careers so use English as a tool for

connection as a tool to improve your

life and other people's lives too

you have the power now go and speak

thank you so much for listening to this

presentation if you found it helpful

please let me know come connect with go

natural English with me Gabi and the

community on facebook at go natural

English and on Twitter at go natural egg

and if you liked this presentation share

it with your friends thanks so much