Learn English Vocabulary | Common Words and Meanings | 21 Lessons


Hey hey and welcome to the vocabulary section. We have many new interesting and

useful words just waiting for you to learn.

We believe that these words are

common and that you should know them.

That's why we're gonna try our best to

teach you the vocabulary.

However it is always up to you to do some self-study.

I suggest looking up the words in the dictionary, writing some practice

sentences, using the words in everyday conversation, and of course watching our videos.

The more that you practice, the better you'll be.

These videos will help you improve your English.

So just enjoy the videos and try your best.

Hey hey. My name is Molly and in this video we will be talking about the

difference between fun and funny.

Now my students are always getting these two

words confused and today we are gonna fix that problem.

Let's look at the board

Our first word is fun. Now fun can be used as an adjective or a noun.

it means you enjoy yourself and you have a good time.

Maybe you go to the pool friends on

a nice day. You had a good time. You had fun.

Let's look at our second word funny.

Funny has two meanings and it can be used as an adjective.

The first meaning is it makes you laugh hahaha okay? Your friend tells a funny joke and the

joke is funny. Okay?

Our second less common meaning is it's strange.

Something is a little strange. So let's keep practicing and look at some examples.

Now, I'm going to tell you about a party I went to last weekend.

The party was fun.

I had a good time.

I had a lot of fun.

Now the first fun is used as an adjective

and in the second sentence it's used as a noun.

They both mean the same thing.

That I had a good time.

Next funny has a different meaning

John was funny.

John told a joke and I laughed hahaha.

He is a funny guy.

Next, he smelled funny.

Now remember there's two meanings to funny.

Laughing like hahaha and funny like strange.

He smelled funny.

He smelled a little strange.

So let's keep practicing with some more examples.

Let's do some sentences together and we'll choose fun or funny.

Playing a game is fun or funny?

You're playing a board game or a computer game with your family.

You're having a good time.

Playing a game is fun.

A comedian is fun or funny?

A comedian is someone who makes you laugh ha ha ha.

He's telling some good jokes.

He is funny.

Have a good time at the beach.

I want you to have a good time.

Have fun at the beach.

His hat looks fun or funny?

His hat looks funny.

Now funny can have two meanings.

Funny like laughing ha ha ha or funny like strange.

His hat looks funny.

Now you know the difference between fun and funny.

I'll see you next time

Hello my name is Esther and in this video we're going to talk about how to

use the word borrow or lend me well when do we use this word well let me give you

an example let's say that you're taking a test and you look in your bag and oh

oh you forgot your pencil so what do you do you have to ask someone next to you

or maybe a friend to let them use your pencil and a mistake that a lot of

people make is they say can you borrow me your pencil but that's actually wrong

don't say that don't say can you borrow me your pencil

the actual way to say it goes like this let's look at an example sentence can I

borrow your pencil that's the correct way to say it can I borrow your pencil

okay another way that you can say is can you lend me your pencil let's look at it

again can you lend me your pencil now both of these ways are okay and they're

both correct and right but I think this one is a better way to say it again

let's remember it's not can you borrow me okay don't say that say this can I

borrow your pencil let's look at a couple more examples sentences is it

okay if I borrow your book is it okay if I borrow your book may I borrow some

money may I borrow some money can I borrow your umbrella can I borrow your

umbrella can you lend me your ear a sir can you lend me your ear a sir

would you lend me your book would you lend me your book please lend me a pen

please lend me a pen all right now in the beginning of the

video I taught you to say can I borrow something can I borrow your pencil but

actually there's a more polite way to say this and that is by saying may I

borrow something from you you should use may I when you're talking to someone you

don't know very well maybe it's a complete stranger or maybe you know that

person but you guys aren't really close friends it's better to use may I

so again may I borrow something for example may I borrow your pen or may I

borrow your phone or maybe like I said in the example in the beginning may I

borrow your pencil or eraser okay well that's it for today I hope you guys

learned something and I'll see you guys next time bye

hello everyone my name is Robin and in this video I'm going to talk about two

expressions that describe how people use or control money one is positive and one

is negative alright so these two adjectives the first one we're going to

talk about is stingy okay now let's focus on the pronunciation

first stingy a lot of my students mistakenly say sting II okay you got to

be very careful it is pronounced stingy and what this stingy mean well someone

who is stingy they don't like to spend money they don't like to share money

okay they are very greedy they are not generous they are exactly like Scrooge

you may have you may have heard or know about Scrooge he is a very stingy guy he

does not want to share any of his money all right so to help us understand

stingy a little bit better let's look at a few examples sentences okay so the

first example for stingy he doesn't want to give his son bus money he is stingy

all right so yeah this father doesn't want to give his son any bus money okay

that's a very stingy guy let's look at the next example I was so thirsty but my

sister wouldn't buy me water she's stingy okay again my sister very

bad I'm so thirsty but she wouldn't buy me even water yeah she's very stingy

okay so we just saw some examples of stingy I hope you are not stingy it's a

very negative word to call someone but there is a positive word and that's our

next word that word is frugal now listen to the pronunciation frugal okay so a

person who is frugal they don't like to waste money all right they like to say

money or keep their money and control their money very well so for example

someone goes to the market to buy some items or some things they probably going

to buy the cheaper items okay they don't like to waste money on brand names or

expensive items okay so people who like to spend less money for things to save

money they are frugal all right so let's take a look at a few examples to

understand frugal okay let's look at the first example for frugal my father

usually takes the bus to work instead of driving he is frugal so yeah the father

takes the bus instead of driving so he's probably saving money on the oil price

he's a very frugal guy let's look at the next example my sister always uses

coupons when she buys something at the store she is frugal okay so she's always

using coupons to save money she's very frugal alright so those were

the examples of frugal okay so again stingy is negative so if you say to

someone oh you are stingy okay it's a very negative thing that person doesn't

want to share their money they just want to keep their money but on the other

hand if you say to someone oh you are quite frugal okay that's kind of a

compliment meaning they are good at controlling their money and not wasting

money all right so that's it and see you next time

hello everyone my name is Robin and in this video I'm gonna talk about

adjectives to describe someone's body shape related to their weight okay

whether someone is very big fat or thin and small okay now some of these words

are positive the very nice things to say and some of these words are negative

very bad things to say about someone's body shape let's take a look now first

I'm gonna focus on the smaller adjectives describing smaller bodies and

I'm gonna make a sentence he is she is okay

these are words to describe so I must say he is she is so let's start with

this one he is average he is average and of

course average just means normal whatever is normal for your society that

is average he is average she is average now we're getting smaller slender and

thin okay these are very positive she is slender she is thin okay that's a

nice body shape very nice weight nice body

she is slender she is thin the next one skinny okay this is getting a little bit

negative some people it's positive but it's a little bit negative okay to call

someone skinny she is skinny might be a good thing for the woman she's very

happy but for a man he is skinny maybe that's not so good for a man he is

skinny okay that's too thin that's too thin getting getting smaller here Boni

he is boney bony is definitely a negative word boney we can see too many

bones okay we look at their body and we can see bones so we would oh he is boney

okay he should gain weight or he should eat more food the last one is the worst

one this is actually a mental sickness okay if I said she is anorexic

anorexic is a very negative thing so people who are anorexic because of their

mental sickness they eat and then they go to the toilet to throw up

all right so anorexic people are very bony they look very sick they look very

unhealthy they're underweight they're too small

okay that's anorexic alright so again average slender thin these are positive

these are okay skinny can be positive negative bony and a Rexach too small too

too thin these are negative let's move on to the larger sizes okay here are the

large adjectives now we're going to start from average again average is the

same normal and let's get a little bigger

now the next two chubby and plump all right chubby and plump are actually

positive ways to say someone is a little fat just a little fat like a baby might

be plump or your cute girlfriend is chubby or a little boy is chubby okay so

it's a very positive way to say just a little bit of fat okay

plump or chubby he or she is heavy okay get starting to get negative he is

heavy oh he's a heavy guy she's a heavy woman getting up overweight that is

certainly negative he is overweight she is overweight and then we get to fat she

is fat okay nobody wants to be called fat but you would say he is fat okay

maybe that's a very rude or impolite thing to say someone you are fat and the

top one here obese okay obese obese is the technical term

for fat okay now he is obese she is obese again and just means fat but if

you call someone obese that's the that's the fattest you can get okay

he is obese so of course in America they have many people who are obese if you go

there you can see a lot of big people a lot of overweight fat and obese people

all right so here are many adjectives to describe the body shape in relation to

weight some of them are positive a lot of them are negative be careful anyway

that's it for this video see you next time

hi this is Bill and right now I'm gonna help you with your understanding of a

word now well that word is free and it's a very short word very easy word but it

has a lot of different meanings and well right now I want to talk to you about

how the word free is used in a sentence because where the word free is can

change the meaning of the sentence a lot okay now if we just look here at what

I've got written on the board now just two little phrases here and it's the

same words see free and alcohol both times what the meaning is very different

see up here if we put the word free in front of the word then like here free

alcohol that means the alcohol is free and you

do not pay money for alcohol if you see a sign free alcohol that means you go

and you get alcohol you don't give money the alcohol is free free alcohol don't

have to pay money it's a good thing now down here though we have alcohol free

that means there is no alcohol okay there's no alcohol in the drink so you

can say coca-cola is a alcohol free drink because there's no alcohol in the

cola another example here is maybe there's a sign that says free kittens

free kittens so that means if you want to take a kitten home for a pet you do

not have to give money you can just go and take the kitten home with you

all right now another example here where free is after the word maybe you're in a

convenience store and you want to buy a little coffee drink

and while some coffee drinks will say on them sugar-free now that means that

coffee drink there's no sugar in the drink it's not a sweet drink it's just

coffee no sugar okay just remember before the word means you don't pay

money for it after the word that means that word is not there so alcohol free

no alcohol sugar free no sugar let's take a look at some written examples of

this here's sentences using the word free

differently all soft drinks come with free refills all soft drinks come with

free refills order a set and you'll get a free side dish order a set and you'll

get a free side dish the hotel serves a free breakfast the hotel serves a free

breakfast this park is smoking free this park is smoking free I want an alcohol

free drink I want an alcohol free drink

the cinema should be talking free the cinema should be talking free so there

you saw some written sentences about where the word free can be in a sentence

now before we finish I just want to tell you about something I saw once while I

was here in Korea one time I was riding the subway and I

noticed there was a poster at the station and the poster was for a music

festival now what they were trying to do I noticed this they wanted it to say

that the festival was free for foreigners which meant foreigners did

not have to buy a ticket to go into the festival now what they wanted to do was

to make it attracted to foreigners they wanted foreigners to come there okay

because if they think if it's free that's a good reason to go we don't have

to pay money but the poster said foreigners free now this means there are

no foreigners there it's the opposite meaning that they were going for so just

remember where you put the word free really changes the meaning I hope this

helps and I'll see you next video

hi everybody I'm Esther and in this video I'm going to teach you a very

important English word now everybody in Korea should know this word because it

gets this way every summer in Korea right well not just in the summer but

also in some other seasons and that word that we're going to learn today is humid

again humid so this word you need to know it and you especially need to

mention this word when you describe Korea's weather to any foreigners okay

so if they ask what's the weather like in Korea you have to say humid well what

does humid mean well again humid is used to describe whether it means that it's

very wet and hot right you know what I mean so even my best friend

she comes to Korea every year from Southern California which is where I'm

from and she complains about this all the time it's so humid right it's so hot

and wet and she complains about this because where we're from it's not like

that it's hot but it doesn't get very humid so let's look at the board for

some examples on how to use the word okay so here it is today is very humid

today is very humid so that's the word I want to teach you today humid but there

are some other ways to say the same thing instead of humid we can say a

couple of other words for example we can say today is very muggy today is very

muggy okay muggy means humid again hot and wet we can also say today is very

sticky today is very thick so humid muggy and sticky all have the

same meaning when you're describing the weather now I told you that where I'm

from it's not humid it's hot but it's not humid so what's the opposite of

humid that word is dry so if it's not humid I can say today is very dry today

is very dry ok well let's look at some more example sentences together ok

let's look at some example sentences it's too humid turn on the

air-conditioner it's too humid turn on the air-conditioner

I hate humid weather it's too sticky I hate humid weather it's too sticky the

rain makes it muggy the rain makes it muggy California is dry but Florida is

humid California is dry but Florida is humid ok so in this video we learned the

word humid make sure you guys remember it it's a very important word in Korea

because it describes Korea's weather and summer perfectly now as for me I've been

here for a couple of years and I'm still trying to get used to it but I have to

say I like dry weather better okay well thanks for joining and see you guys next

time bye

hello everyone my name is Robin and in this video I'm gonna talk about a very

dirty dirty word to old white oh okay well remember Oh bite is konglish so we

don't want to use old white so what should we say in English well this these

are the words we should use all right so I have a sentence I'm sick I'm sick I

need to I need to vomit vomit is the formal way to say you know your food

comes out of your mouth vomit so if you're at the doctor you

should use vomit I need to vomit now vomit is a verb I need to vomit and it

can also be a noun oh there's vomit on the floor the next one is the most

common one throw-up okay this is the one you want to use most of the time I'm

sick I need to throw up alright I drank some soju last night I

need to throw up okay this one is only a verb I need to throw up that's how you

want to use it the last two they're slang now there's hundreds of slang to

mean the same as a vomit I can't teach them all but these two are the most

common so you probably hear these ones and both of these can be used as nouns

or verbs so I'm sick I need to puke I need to puke

and I need to barf I need to barf all of these words mean the same thing the food

is coming out because you're sick alright and remember throw-up is the

best one to use it's the most common and the easiest one to use I need to throw

up well that's how you express how to throw up let's take a look at a few more

examples alright let's take a look at these examples the first one stop

car I need to vomit stop the car I need to vomit the next one I drank too much

soju I need to throw up I drank too much soju I need to throw up

and the next one the baby barf all over my new jacket the baby barf all over my

new jacket and the last one I had to clean up dog puke in the kitchen I had

to clean up dog puke in the kitchen okay so these are dirty words but you got to

know them now there are two things that make me throw up all right now the first

thing that usually makes me throw up our oysters alright seafood so I have a lot

of experience I go out to eat some seafood and I eat some oysters and I

gets really really sick and I throw up and certainly the other thing to make me

throw up is soju okay I don't drink soju very well so I go out to drink and I

drink some soju the next day or I have a terrible hangover my I have a headache

and I feel sick I usually need to throw up the soju all right so that's vomit

throw up puke and barf make sure you know them they're all common that's it

and I'll see you next time

hi everybody my name's Esther and in this video I want to talk about a very

important vocabulary word for all Koreans to know okay and that word is

monsoon season what is monsoon season well every summer

many foreigners come and they're surprised by how much rain there is

right in the summer in Korea for about one month usually in July there's a lot

of rain okay and in English we call that the monsoon season so it's very

important for Koreans to have a good umbrella maybe some rain boots right but

also it can cause some problems for some businesses and homes if there's

too much rain and flooding right so if you see a foreigner and they ask about

summer in Korea it's very important that you remember that you tell them about

monsoon season okay so let's look on the board and look at this example sentence

the monsoon season in Korea begins in summer right I just talked about that

again the monsoon let's pronounce it together monsoon monsoon so the monsoon

season in Korea begins in summer and as we said the monsoon season lasts for

about one month and there's lots of rain during the monsoon season okay let's

look at some more examples together let's look at these examples it's very

humid during the monsoon season it's very humid during the monsoon season the

monsoon season is coming the monsoon season is coming I need to buy a new

umbrella for the monsoon season I need to buy a new umbrella for the monsoon

season okay so in this video we learned up

the vocabulary word monsoon season remember it's a time in Korea when

there's a lot of rain and it's very hot and sticky right now in Southern

California where I'm from there is no monsoon season we get a little bit of

rain in the winter time which is very different from Korea but again nothing

like the rain we see here okay so that is something that I'm still trying to

get used to okay so again the word we learned is monsoon

season don't forget it and see you next time bye

hello everyone I'm Robin we are gonna talk about many vocabulary and

adjectives and slang idioms to describe people as ugly okay let's take a look at

the board I'm going to use he is he's and she is we're gonna describe these

two people a guy and girl is ugly and we can use any of these they work for guys

and girls let's take a look the first one he's ugly she's ugly okay so that's

very easy to understand let's go to the next one

she's unattractive okay she's unattractive

of course attractive means very pretty very beautiful and unattractive means

ugly all right so ugly and unattractive are the two most common ones let's move

on here's another one homely he's homely we can say he's homely but usually it's

she is homely homely would mean yeah not pretty not beautiful a little bit ugly

okay she's homely okay maybe she has no fashion sense

she's very boring to look at and to watch because she has no makeup okay we

describers homely and I think Kim jong-un's wife is a little bit homely

let's move on okay we're getting into bigger more complicated vocabulary these

words are very strong they mean very very ugly the next one if I said he's

monsterous he's monstrous okay so that guy is so ugly I'm describing him like a

monster okay his face is like a monster so I would say he's monstrous she is

monstrous okay very negative thing to say

hideous he's hideous again this is too ugly so ugly he's

hideous hideous and the last one very very very strong grotesque she's

grotesque he's grotesque okay grotesque comes from gross or disgusting

okay grotesque so very very ugly I don't want to look at that person I don't want

to talk to that person certainly I never want to touch that person they are

grotesque alright so this is the vocabulary the adjectives let's move on

to some slang and idioms in this next part we're gonna learn a lot of slang

and idioms to use to describe someone who is ugly alright the first one nasty

nasty he's nasty she's nasty again very ugly you want to say he or

she is nasty you can describe their hair as nasty dirty ugly hair their face is

nasty okay very ugly next one she's butt ugly butt ugly what is a butt

a bunt is your ass okay so if you say she's butt-ugly her face looks like an

ass okay so it's a very negative thing to say she's bought ugly but common okay

bought ugly he's a dog she's a dog okay so describing them as a dog also means

they're ugly she's a dark okay she's a real dog that means her face is ugly

alright now we're gonna get into the really really really really bad

expressions okay so I'm gonna have to use some bad words

now ugly as he's ugly as so we're comparing him

he's ugly as a pig okay you could say he's ugly as a pig

so he's comparing you're comparing his face to a pig very ugly scene she's ugly

as sin that's another one she's ugly as sin now sin of course is a very bad

thing you're doing something bad that is a sin she's ugly as sin just means she's

very ugly all right let's get deeper into more powerful expressions he's ugly

as shit he's ugly as shit okay very strong he's ugly as shit she's

ugly as fuck she's ugly as fuck okay so you can have like ugly as a pig ugly as

sin ugly as shit ugly as fuck very powerful to say someone is really really

ugly the last one she's fugly she's fugly he's fugly what

is fugly well fugly this is two words we can see

ugly is one word now what is the F now the f means fucking she's fucking ugly

okay so fucking is a bad word so we just say fugly okay very common everyone

knows fugly very strong very rude thing to say he's fugly

she's fugly alright let's move on to one last expression okay the final

expression here is a sentence now the other expressions we learned are

very direct okay you're ugly you're fugly you know things like that this is

very indirect okay it's not polite but I guess you know there's no polite way to

say someone is ugly but I guess this is the best

indirect way let's take a look he has a face he has a

face only a mother can love okay so someone has a face but only the mother

can love that face everyone else thinks it's ugly or hideous okay so a very

indirect way to say someone is ugly she or he has a face only a mother can love

alright so we learned lots of expressions to describe someone as ugly

or very ugly be very careful with these expressions you should never say them

directly to the person you're ugly you're hideous you're grotesque

you're fugly don't say that directly to the person or you might get this in the

face okay well I hope you learned a lot from this video and I'll see you next


hi I'm Robin and in this video I'm going to talk about a very serious word

bullying and what does that mean well basically bullying means a student or

young person or a group of students bother another student or child okay

it's a very serious issue here in Korea let's take a look now up here I have a

bully this is a noun what is a bully the bully is the bad kid

okay the bad student why is he bad because he bothers other other children

other students how does he bother he hits them he

steals their money he's a bully and in my example sentence he's a big bully

okay a big bully means he's a big guy who bothers probably smaller children

smaller students he's a big bully the verb form to bully he the bully bullies

many students he bullies many students so has a verb what does it mean well it

means to bother and I have two other words here tease and harass now tease

means to jokingly bother other children so it's possible the bully is just

teasing kind of jokingly no not too strong just little teasing is like

bothering them about their clothing or things like that her ass is very strong

and very bad now to harass someone means to physically harass hit them or

verbally harassed say bad things you're ugly I hate you

okay that's harassment so to bully can also mean tease and harass okay so he

bullies many students he's bothering many students alright so remember a

bully the bad guy the bad student the bad child what does

he do he bullies ok-hee bothers the other children hits

them takes their money makes their life very bad all right let's take a look at

some example sentences so the first example sentence in Korea many students

commit suicide because they are bullied too much in Korea many students commit

suicide because they are bullied too much the bullies were expelled from

school the bullies were expelled from school

many teens are victims of cyber bullying many teens are victims of cyber bullying

the bully tease the girl too much and she cried the bully teased the girl too

much and she cried the bully harassed the boy every day the bully harassed the

boy every day ok I hope you have a good understanding of how to use bully as a

noun and a verb all right it's a common word you must know it I'm gonna tell you

a little story now about when I was in Middle School I was bullied by one kid

he was a black kid his name was Alan Bishop and I never did anything bad to

him but for some reason he didn't like me so every day at school he bullied me

he was a terrible bully he always bothered me now he never harassed me

physically he never hit me but certainly there was a lot of verbal harassment

every day he always said terrible things to me so that continued for about one

year so I still remember Alan Bishop and I still I still don't like him anyway

that's it for this video see you next time

hi I'm Molly and today we will be talking about the vocabulary word tomboy

now a tomboy is a girl a young female who likes things that usually men like

to do for example I'm a tomboy and I like a lot of things that men usually

like I like to be in nature and to go camping and I don't like a lot of things

that females might like if we look over here I say I like to play soccer I

really like playing soccer I like being physical and running and being outside I

like to watch sports and I really really like to be outdoors whether that be

fishing or boating or swimming you can always find me outside however there are

a few things that I really don't like to do I really don't like to wear makeup I

don't ever really you usually wear a lot of makeup fashion you won't catch me

talking about fashion or about what someone's wearing and I know in Korea a

lot of girls really care about fashion in what they look like but because I

consider myself a tomboy I don't like these things these are very girly things

and I like more things that men usually like so I absolutely do not like to go

shopping you will never find me in a mall unless I really have to get

something so again these are very girly things these are things that girls like

to do and these are things that usually men like to do so now that you know what

a tomboy is you know what I like and what I don't like and we'll see you


hi everybody I'm Esther and in this video I want to talk with you about the

word lag now lag means to do something very slowly or to be very slow okay so

the word lag is appear on the board now the pronunciation it's hard I know but

you have to try and practice lag lag okay

so let's look at these examples she's lagging she's lagging this means she's

taking a long time to do something she's doing something very slowly

she's lagging the next one is stop lagging stop lagging you're telling

somebody hurry up stop being slow okay the next one is a very common problem my

computer is lagging my computer is lagging that means my computer is slow

it's slow I'm trying to do something but it's lagging it's slow and the last one

is I have jet lag I have jet lag you might hear this a lot

especially from people who are travelling so if you travel around the

world maybe to faraway country but you're gonna be changing time zones so

the time will be different and you'll feel very tired your body will feel slow

and tired and your body is taking a long time to adjust to the new time zone your

body is slow to adjust so you have to say I have jet lag okay let's look at

some more examples together okay let's look at a few examples first one she's

always late because she lags she's always late because she lags the next

one I wish you wouldn't lag so much I wish you wouldn't lag so much next I

can't open the program because my computer is lagging I can't open the

program because my computer is lagging the last one my jet lag is terrible I

keep falling asleep my jet lag is terrible I keep falling asleep okay so

in this video we learned that we use the word lag to describe an action that is

very very slow now my best friend is someone who lags a lot whenever we want

to do something especially at night she takes almost two hours to get ready

she has to wash her hair or take a shower then put on her makeup you know

decide what to wear and that can take a very long time so I always have to say

to her stop lagging hurry up we're late stop lagging okay so next time if you

have a friend or somebody that's taking a very long time you can use the word

lag to say stop lagging hurry up okay well that's the end thank you bye

hi everybody my name is Esther and in this video I'm going to talk about the

word pedestrian now I think this is a really important word for all Koreans to

know because there are many pedestrians in Korea well what is a pedestrian a

pedestrian is somebody who is walking they might be walking on the street or

on the sidewalk where all the stores and restaurants are the sidewalk or

pedestrians might be crossing the street on a crosswalk that's the section with

the white lines where you have to go if you want to go to the other side so

let's look at these example sentences don't hit the pedestrian okay so in

Korea there are very many cars and drivers and they have to be careful not

to hit the people that are walking the pedestrians so don't hit the pedestrian

the pedestrian crosses the crosswalk again the crosswalk is where the white

lines are you have to walk there if you want to go to the other side the

pedestrian crosses the crosswalk the last example is there are many

pedestrians on the sidewalk remember sidewalk is the area next to

the street where pedestrians should walk it's safer right so there are many

pedestrians on the sidewalk okay and so that's how we use pedestrian remember it

means somebody who's walking okay that's all thank you bye

hello everyone I'm Robin and in this video I'm gonna talk about phobias okay

so what are phobias well phobias are really really big fear

of something all right now it's not a small fear for example snakes maybe

everyone is scared of snakes but a phobia is a little little stronger well

actually a lot stronger all right it is a great fear like really if I talk about

snakes just talking about it makes that person scared and stressful okay so the

phobia should be used when you have a really really big fear of something not

just a small fear all right now let's take a look at the board I have a

question here someone asks do you have a phobia do you have a phobia so again

this is not asking if you're scared of something it's asking about a phobia

you're really really scared of something and you can answer I have and you put

the phobia name now the phobia names are not easy okay they're long and

complicated so there's actually thousands and

thousands of phobias they have official names okay so people are scared of the

color green people are scared of thunder and lightning people are scared of

injections they all have official names I don't remember them actually no one

can remember them but I'm going to tell you the ones that are common that most

people do remember okay so do you have a phobia

I have arachnophobia arachnophobia what is that well we see phobia so we know

it's a great fear arachnophobia well Iraq know is actually a latin word

coming from iraq mid which means spider okay so arachnophobia is

a very big fear of spiders so I have arachnophobia and again not you know not

a little fear of spiders this is a really really you are terrified of

spiders and I met one person with arachnophobia when I was in elementary

school there's a friend of mine and I used to have a plastic spider it was

plastic not alive and I would bring it to school and he could not even enter

the classroom all right he was just too scared of a plastic spider okay he just

had a very strong phobia and actually one day we tried to get him to touch the

plastic spider with gloves and we put gloves on him he still couldn't touch

that plastic spider all right he had a very strong phobia all right let's look

at the next one acrophobia this is very common acrophobia is a fear of heights

high places okay so if you're very high and you're just very very scared to look

down you probably have acrophobia the next one claustrophobia claustrophobia

is a fear of small or tight places okay this is not good to have in Korea

because if you're on the bus or subway or the elevator you know everyone is

together very close in a small space so if you have claustrophobia you will have

a lot of stress and that situation is really really a nightmare

you're probably crying and run away okay the last one xenophobia Zeno Zeno means

alien or foreigner okay someone from outside so in Korea a lot of Koreans

have xenophobia which means they're scared of the foreigner like me so if

I'm walking on the street and I see someone and I say hello how are you

and they're very scared that's xenophobia they don't know what to do or

say with the foreigner alright so these are some common ones I'm gonna say them

one more time arachnophobia acrophobia claustrophobia xenophobia ok so these

ones probably most native speakers know the name but as I said there's thousands

and I don't remember every every name of every phobia so let's go back to our

question do you have a phobia you can say I have arachnophobia if you can

remember it or I have acrophobia I have claustrophobia

I am xenophobia now maybe you have a phobia of big spaces ok you're scared to

go outside in big spaces but you don't know the official name so it's ok just

to say I have a fear of big spaces if you don't remember arachnophobia you can

say I have a fear of spiders that's ok - alright

so that's phobia I hope you don't have any phobias but if you meet someone who

has a phobia you should understand that the phobia is a very very big fear of

something and it's not easy to get rid of the phobia well that's it and I'll

see you next time

hi there my name is Sarah and I'm going to teach you about gossip and rumors

so gossip is when you talk about other people's personal lives so you and your

friends might like to talk about celebrities or you might talk about

people that you know so on the board we have celebrity gossip we're talking

about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes and what happens in their personal lives did

you hear about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes they're getting a divorce or

maybe we'll talk about people in our own lives did you hear about John and Stacey

they're breaking up so that's gossip and it can be a noun

this is gossip did you hear the gossip or it can be a

verb those two are gossiping about their

friends let's move on to rumors and now let's talk about rumors so what is a

rumor a rumor is information that passes from one person to another person to

another person maybe it's true maybe it's not so you can't trust it so one

rumor that we've heard repeatedly again and again and again in magazines is this

one Jennifer Aniston is pregnant but she's not pregnant they just keep saying

that she's never pregnant so that is only a rumor you can't trust

it you can hear it you can repeat it but don't trust it so we've already talked

about gossip with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes that they've broken up that

they've divorced this is true this is what's actually happened in their

personal lives but over here is a rumor that might follow this gossip maybe they

broke up because Tom Cruise is gay but we don't know if this is true or not so

it's just a rumor so you can repeat it you can listen to it but don't trust it

because it's just a rumor moving on there's a couple more things

you should know about gossip and rumors so you already know that gossip is

talking about other people's lives with your friends so gossip can be a noun or

it can be a verb in the sentence we have on the

I like to gossip with my friends we're using gossip as a verb you can also use

it as a noun I heard some interesting gossip last

week so verb and noun when it comes to rumors I don't like people spreading

rumors about me so a rumor is information that might be true or it

might not be true but you definitely don't want people spreading rumors about

you because then people might think something that's not true but we always

spread rumors we don't tell rumors spreading is like this person talks that

person talks that person talks it is spreading so we spread rumors we don't

tell rumors I don't like people spreading rumors about me so now you

know the difference between gossip and rumors see you next time

hi I'm Molly and in this video we're going to be talking about four words

that mean basically the same thing relax unwind chill or chill out and take it

easy now all of these words just mean to pretty much do nothing to relax calm

down after a long day at work maybe you're tired or angry or upset you just

didn't want to sit down and do nothing so let's look at our first example

sentence after work I like to go home and relax you might tell your friends

I'm just gonna go home and relax do nothing hang out our next option says

after work I like to go home and unwind now unwind maybe you're tense or

stressed about something usually you unwind with maybe a beer or a glass of

wine doing something to settle down whether that be working out or cooking a

meal everyone does something to unwind at the end of a long day our third

example is chill or chill out now some people say chill and some people say

chill out there's not really much of a difference

chill out might be to chill out with friends and just to chill might just be

by yourself so to chill out means to take it easy go

slow sit down do nothing our last example

take it easy after work I like to go home and take it

easy maybe you're just gonna sit down on the

couch and watch a TV show not really think or do much just sit down relax do

nothing so you've heard me use all these words and you can use them they're all

very similar now let's look at some example sentences so let's look at the

first one relax the train will get here soon relax

the train will get here soon

I can't wait to relax over summer vacation

I can't wait to relax over summer vacation

the next example the vacation was a welcome break and she couldn't wait to

unwind at the beach the vacation was a welcome break and she couldn't wait to

unwind at the beach the next example yoga helped her to unwind after working

with children all day yoga helped her to unwind after working with children all

day the next example let's go to my house and just chill

let's go to my house and just chill in the next example chill out don't get so

angry chill out don't get so angry and the next one just

take it easy don't be so nervous around her just take it easy don't be so

nervous around her and the last example take it easy you will do fine on the

test take it easy you will do fine on the test now that you've seen some

example sentences you can see that these four words relax chill out unwind take

it easy are all very similar words now something

that I like to do at the end of a day to help me unwind or relax is yoga I find

that I'm really stressed intense and tired and yoga helps me unwind it helps

me relax and this is something that I do to take it easy or chill out at the end

of the day so now that you know how to use these four words I hope that you can

express how you unwind or relax or chill out or take it easy to your friends so

that's it for this video see you next time

this is Robin and I'm gonna talk about corruption and I'm also going to talk

about a lot of vocabulary that is different types of corruption so the

word we should know first is corruption what is corruption well corruption is

dishonest behavior or dishonest things by the government or a company okay so

corruption is very bad when the government or a company is trying to

cheat people out of money okay it is illegal it is bad and it is a poison on

society if there's a corrupt Society alright another word we should know is

collusion now collusion means two very important

people maybe two CEOs are secretly talking and planning how to cheat people

out of money so they're trying to control the market this is illegal this

is wrong it's collusion again two people secretly talking alright so these are

the main vocabularies we should know let's move on to some methods of

corruption price fixing is another form of corruption what is price fixing well

that's when many companies in a market they get together and they talk and they

want to decide the price that everyone will charge okay they don't want to

compete because that brings down the price or cost of something so they get

together they talk they fix a price they decide what price will everyone charge

and everyone will make money now this is price-fixing and it is wrong it is bad

and it is illegal okay let's take a look at my example there is a lot of

collusion among gas stations to fix the price of gas okay there's a lot of

collusion there's the word collusion again so collusion remember that means

they get together secretly to decide how to cheat the customer it's a very bad

word collusion so the gas station owners are getting together to talk

that's collusion to fix the price of gas okay so they're gonna decide what the

price of gas is for all the companies to control the market share all right so

that's price-fixing another form of corruption let's look at some more here

are two words that describe the most common type of corruption kickback bribe

okay what's the kickback what's a bribe well this is secret money okay so this

is one person giving money or expensive gifts to another person that person has

power and they help him okay because they got money okay so again I'm

giving money or gifts to someone he has power and he helps me to do something

that is a bribe and it is illegal and unfortunately it is very common in

companies and even the government let's take a look at this example sentence a

building contractor someone making buildings gave a kickback or bribe you

could use either gave a bribe to the government official all right so he's a

building contractor he's making buildings and he gave the bribe probably

a lot of money to the government official why well this government will

official will help him with his business okay so he gave some money and now he

gets some help that's a bribe or a kickback let's move on to some more

vocabulary here is embezzlement this is a very serious crime when someone

embezzles from a company okay what does it mean well in to embezzle means you

were stealing money from the company now not small money but usually really big

money like thousands of dollars or millions of dollars the employee is

stealing from the company and of course sometimes a CEO

we'll steal from the company okay that's a very serious crime and they will go to

jail let's take a look at this example

sentence the employee embezzled ten thousand dollars from the store okay so

he embezzled he stole it from the store very serious corruption let's look at

some more vocabulary the last form of corruption I want to talk about is fraud

okay fraud is when you lie especially for the company the company books and

they have to write down the numbers and the money all the bookkeeping and they

lie okay they change the numbers they lie that is fraud that's a serious crime

all right let's take a look fraud he committed fraud to the tax office okay

so the government tax office they're very serious about getting their taxes

and he he gave some information but he lied okay maybe he didn't tell them how

much money he's making he lied that is fraud that is a crime and that is also

corruption all right let's take a look at some example sentences to help us

understand how to use this vocabulary the first 1 5 perfume brands with 95

percent of the market share were found guilty of price-fixing 5 perfume brands

with 95 percent of the market share were found guilty of price-fixing the next

example mr. Smith gave him a bribe so he gave the company contract to mr. Smith

mr. Smith gave him a bribe so he gave the company contract to mr. Smith the

next example the rich man bribed the policeman to stay out of jail

the rich man bribed the policeman to stay out of jail

the next example doctors get many kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies

doctors get many kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies the next

example the CEO embezzled 1 million dollars from the company the CEO

embezzled 1 million dollars from the company and the last example he went to

jail for 2 years for tax fraud he went to jail for 2 years for tax fraud so

those were some example sentences I hope you can understand how to use these

words better I know it's difficult vocabulary takes a lot of self-study to

properly know them and how to use them so this video is a good guide or

introduction to these words before I go I'm just going to quickly review them

corruption is the main word so corruption is any dishonest behavior by

the government or a company to cheat the people all of this is corruption

collusion to companies or many companies getting together to talk and discuss

secretly how to cheat people that's collusion price-fixing

controlling the price of something ok then they're not doing any sort of

competition just controlling the price kickback bribe that's the secret money I

give you money and you help me to improve my business something like that

embezzlement stealing money from the company ok usually big money and fraud

you lie you lie about money or numbers in the bookkeeping ok that's fraud

alright these words you're gonna see them every day in the newspaper or in

any country there's a lot of corruption everywhere

it is a sickness a poison disease on society so I hope in the future there's

less corruption anyway that's it for this video see you next time

I'm Robin and in this video I'm going to talk about the word clumsy the slang

word klutz and the idiom all thumbs all three of these expressions mean the same

thing they're talking about an awkward person someone who has a lot of

accidents or someone who's always breaking things okay it can describe a

man or a woman let's take a look at my example he or she he always has

accidents he always has accidents like spilling drinks things like that and

breaks things he always has accidents and breaks things he is alright here we

go the first word clumsy that's what we

want to use to describe someone who always has accidents and breaks things

he is clumsy she is clumsy here's the slang word he is a klutz she is a klutz

a klutz okay they mean the same thing and the last one is an idiom he is all

thumbs all thumbs okay that's your thumb so if you're all

thumbs every finger is a thumb so it's very easy to have an accident okay so

these are the three expressions we want to use to describe this kind of awkward

person let's take a look at some example sentences okay let's look at the first

example he always accidentally sits on his glasses he's so clumsy

he always accidentally sits on his glasses he's so clumsy the next one

she always pours too much coffee into my cup she's so clumsy

she always pours too much coffee into my cup she's so clumsy

and the next one I'm a klutz when I dance I hit everyone around me I'm a

klutz when I dance I hit everyone around me the nurse was a klutz she gave the

patient the wrong medicine the nurse was a klutz she gave the patient the wrong

medicine all right and the next he can't play the piano at all he's all thumbs he

can't play the piano at all he's all thumbs I tried to fix the toilet but I'm

all thumbs I just broke it more I tried to fix the toilet but I'm all thumbs I

just broke it more those were some good examples of how to use clumsy a klutz

and all thumbs remember they mean the same thing you're

describing a very awkward person now before we go I'm going to tell you the

story of my cousin Jerry now Jerry and I are the same age so as

children we used to play together and I'm gonna tell you that Jerry was the

perfect klutz he was a very clumsy kid he always broke things and he always had

accidents and his glasses like his eyeglasses

he must have broke them every day you know his mother put tape here and tape

here his glasses always looked broken and terrible also his shirt very dirty

he had a lot of food stains drinks things when he ate food you know ketchup

and mustard always fell all over him anyway as I said he's a klutz he used to

come over to my house to play with me and he always wanted to play with my

toys and of course he always broke my toys and I hated him I really hated

Jerry and every time he came over so I used to complain to my mom you know

I don't want Jerry to touch my toys but you know my mom said you know you have

to share with Jerry so eventually when Jerry came over I just hid my toys and

we would watch TV or play something else well anyway that's the story of Jerry

the perfect klutz I hope you understand these expressions see you next time

hello everyone I'm Robin and I'm just kidding I'm not drunk but in this video

we're gonna talk about many words to describe different states of being drunk

I mean talking about being a little bit drunk

being drunk and being a lot drunk all right let's take a look at the board so

it doesn't matter what kind of alcohol you're drinking soju maka Lee beer wine

cocktails vodka tequila you're gonna start to feel the effects of alcohol so

I'm gonna describe my friend he you can also describe women she so my friend he

was tipsy okay so my friend had a beer he was tipsy what does tipsy mean well

tipsy means just a little little a little bit drunk I don't want to say

drunk but you're starting to feel the alcohol just a little bit so we call

that state tipsy so if someone asks you are you drunk you said no no I'm just

tipsy okay I'm starting to feel drunk but not

drunk yet same with the second word buzzed so if you drink two beers three

beers maybe you're starting to feel happy you're starting to feel the

alcohol but you're not drunk okay you're not drunk yet you're buzzed so my friend

he was buzzed or you can see I am buzzed okay so after tipsy and buzzed we get to

drunk you're drunk all right so you're starting to act foolishly or you're

talking more or maybe you just sleep okay you're drunk

after drunk we get to really really drunk very drunk and these are the words

you want to use they're very common everyone knows them and they all

basically mean the same thing you're very very drunk so the next one

he was pissed my friend drank two bottles of soju he was pissed okay so

very drunk he drank three bottles of soju he was

wasted really really drunk smashed he was smashed again wasted smashed

hammered all being very drunk he was wasted he was smashed he was hammered

and the last one a little bit of a bad word

he was shit-faced okay really a really really drunk he had four or five bottles

of soju he was shit-faced okay again you could

use it he she my mother my father I I was shit-faced doesn't matter you want

to describe someone that's very very drunk for me personally if I drink maybe

two or three bottles of beer I get buzzed maybe five or six bottles of beer

I will get drunk certainly one bottle of soju I'm drunk

if I drink two bottles of soju maybe pissed yeah three bottles of soju

I'm certainly in this area smashed hammered and four bottles of

soju I am shit-faced I am crazy drunk alright

so these are great words to describe your friend or yourself and the

different states of being drunk alright that's it for this video see you next


hi everyone I'm Robin and in this video I'm going to talk about the difference

between pass out and black out okay a lot of my students confuse both of these

expressions so I hope this video will clear up all confusion both of these

expressions are mainly used to describe when we go out drinking alcohol with our

friends okay so the first expression pass out what

does that mean well we say pass out when we fall asleep okay we fall asleep

suddenly probably because our body has some sort of problem or shock okay we

can also use the expression to faint okay that means to fall asleep suddenly

so when we're drinking a lot okay we can pass out because we our body took too

much alcohol but you don't always have to use it just with drinking you know if

someone hits you on the head very hard you can pass out or maybe you're very

sick you have something wrong with your stomach and your body has a shock you

can pass out okay so pass out is kind of fall asleep because your body has some

sort of problem or a shock and again we can also use the term to faint

blackout is very different okay so pass out fall asleep

blackout means you have no memory so if you are drinking a lot of alcohol and

the next day your friend asks you you know what happened last night and you I

can't remember I blacked out okay so blacked out means you have no memory you

were awake just you can't remember so let's take a look at my two example

sentences they're almost the same I drank so much I passed out okay I drank

so much alcohol I passed out that means I fell asleep I drank so much I blacked

out okay so this person didn't fall asleep just they have no memory of what

happened after they went drinking all right so

that's the difference between pass out and blackout I hope you understand

that's it for this video

hi there I'm Sarah and I'm going to explain some euphemisms to you for the

word pregnant so maybe if your friend or somebody is pregnant people will ask and

you'll say oh she's pregnant but the word pregnant might be a little bit too

direct so we have some euphemisms that we can use to say pregnant without

saying pregnant so let's look at the board so right up front she's pregnant

that is how you would say it and everybody knows what it means she's

pregnant down here are our euphemisms so the most common one she's expecting so

she's expecting a baby in the future you can just say oh she's expecting and

everybody knows what that means very very common number two she's

preggers so preggers is like a shortened form of

pregnant it's less serious it's kind of funny she's preggers eating for two

eating for two is she's got a lot of food on her plate she's eating for her

and she's eating for the baby she's eating for two these two are idioms so

knocked up knocked up is a little bit negative in the past it was used for

somebody who's unmarried so she's knocked up the baby wasn't expected

she's not married it's a little bit of a surprise so that wasn't a good feeling

with knocked up but now people say it all the time so she's knocked up it's

not negative anymore she has a bun in the oven this one's kind of funny so you

need to imagine that the woman's body is an oven and inside there is a baby the

baby is the bread it's a little bun just a little bun and it's going to grow and

babies grow bread grows in the oven so bun is the baby in the oven which is the

stomach so those are our euphemisms for pregnancy I hope they help you out see

you next time