The Dream

After Peter picked up the ring, he left the store.

He went to the bus stop, got into the bus and shut his eyes.

Shortly after, he fell asleep.

Someone came close to him.

This person stole Mary's grandmothers ring.

Peter yelled immediately: Give the ring back or I will call the police!

But the thief disappeared.

Peter panicked.

He has to call Mary and explain to her what happened.

He looked in his address book for her number.

The bus driver said: last stop, all exit the bus please.

Peter was confused, but then he understood.

Peter: I dreamed all of that!

He looked in his pocket. The ring was still there.

Peter looks around him. He is the last person in the bus.

He gets out and tries to find out where he is.

He is in an unknown part of town.

He decides to hitchhike to his brother's.

He puts up his thumb to stop a car.

A young woman brakes.

young woman: Can I take you a little ways?

Peter: Thank you! That would be great! I need to go downtown.

Peter: I don't know the way.

I am only here to visit somebody.

young woman: I am also going downtown and would gladly take you .

A little while later they get into a traffic jam.

The woman gets a big basket from the trunk.

young woman: You must try this salad with noodles. It's really good.

She asks Peter to hand her a bottle of lemonade.

young woman: Can you please close the bottle?

Peter: It is really comfortable here. In front there is already the end of the traffic jam.

Peter: Now you should be able to see the street better.

A half an hour later, they found the brother's house.

He was already awaiting Peter.