Improve your conversation skills with this easy expression: “Tell me about…”


Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I am going to teach you an

amazing conversation tip. Before I tell you about this tip, I just wanted to

invite you to subscribe to my channel. And also let you know that you should

ring the bell; this will let you get any updates, as well as new videos that I've

created. So, let's get started. What is my amazing conversation tip? Well, it's

really, really simple, which is always nice. My tip has to do with the

expression: "Tell me about". "Tell me about" is something that's very easy to

remember, and you can use it in everyday conversation. You might hear this

expression, also, during English tests, like the IELTSI recently took the

IELTS and they use: "Tell me about" during the speaking part of the IELTS

you might hear: "Tell me about" during a job interview, or you might hear this

expression just when you're having a conversation with somebody. So, "Tell me

about" is a way to ask someone about something. You can use this to ask

somebody about pretty much anything.

Here are some examples: "Tell me about your family." This is a nice, open

question. By saying: "Tell me about your family", it lets the person give you

information. They can tell you all sorts of different things. This type of

question is way better in conversation than: "Yes/No" questions, because people

have a lot more to say when you say: "Tell me about". So, let's look at some

other examples. "Tell me about your job." Nice and simple. "Tell me about

your hometown. Tell me about where you live." That's actually the question I

got on the IELTS when I took it. The question was: "Tell me about where you

live. Tell me about your neighborhood.", "Tell me about your studies." If you

meet somebody who is a student, you can ask them: "Tell me about what you're

studying. Tell me about your studies." Maybe you want to find out about a

person's interests or hobbies, you can ask them: "Tell me about your

interests." So, again, this is a very easy expression to learn. If you're in a

situation where you don't know what to say to somebody, why not say something

with: "Tell me about"? So, now what we're going to do is we're going to talk

a little bit about how this expression is used in job interviews.

Okay. So, we've been talking a lot about the expression: "Tell me about". If you

take... or if you have a job interview, you will probably hear this expression

at some point during your job interview. So, it's really important also to get

used to listening for this expression. So, let's look at some examples of

questions that have: "Tell me about" you might hear on a job interview. So, the

first one is: "Tell me about a time when you had an unhappy customer." And notice

how it's not just: "Tell me about" now? It's: "Tell me about a time when"?

That's very common on behavioral questions during job interviews. If

you're interested more in this topic, I actually have a video where I talk about

how to answer these types of questions. For this video, I just wanted to show

you some of the types of questions you might see with the expression: "Tell me

about". Okay? So, let's look at another example of a question you might hear

during a job interview. "Tell me about a time when you had a conflict at work.

Tell me about a time when you wished you handled a situation differently. Tell me

about a time when you needed to prioritize." So, again, you will likely

hear this expression on a job interview.

So, here is the bottom line. The main thing I want you to know is: "Tell me

about" is a great expression to use during conversation. You can use it;

it's very simple. You can ask many questions with "Tell me about" and they

usually open up conversation. So, that gives a really good back-and-forth

during a conversation. You'll often hear these types of questions during English

tests, like the IELTS, during job interviews, and in other situations as

well. For more practice, I invite you to check out our website at

And there, you can actually do some practice questions with the word:

"Tell"... or with the expression: "Tell me about". I'd also like to invite you

to check out my channel. I have a lot more information and a lot more videos

on conversational English, different tips to help you improve your

conversational English. I have videos on job interviews, along with a lot of

grammar videos, vocabulary, vocabulary videos, and much more. You can also

check out my website at Check it out. I

have a lot of resources there, too. So, thank you so much for watching; and

until next time, take care.