FUTURE TENSE Simple Continuous Perfect Learn English Grammar Course


Hi, everyone. I'm Esther.

In this grammar course, I’ll be teaching the future tense.

I’ll talk about the future simple, future continuous, future perfect,

and future perfect continuous tenses. There’s a lot of important information.

So Keep watching.

Hi, everyone.

I'm Esther.

In this video, I will introduce the future simple tense

using 'will' and 'be going to'.

This is a very important tense that will help you express future actions and plans.

There's a lot to learn, so let's get started.

The future simple tense can be used to express a future action.

Let's take a look at some examples.

I'm cold.’

Well that's right now.

‘I will close the window.’

We start with the subjectwill’.

And then, the base verb.

‘I will close the window.’

In this example, I'm making a sudden decision because how I feel right now.

I will close the window because I'm cold right now.

‘I will be at the library tomorrow.’

Again, you start with the subject and thenwill’.

After that, you have the base verb.

You can use thebeverb to talk about a confirmed plan.

‘I will be at the library tomorrow.’

The economy will get better next year.

In this case, the subject isthe economy’.

Again, we follow withwilland the base verbget’.

The economy will get better next year.’

I'm making a prediction here about something that will happen in the future.

And finally, ‘I will help you with your homework.’

I'm making a future plan to help you.

‘I will help you with your homework.’

It doesn't say when but I am talking about the future.

Let's move on.

You can also usebe going toto express a future action.

It's almost the same aswill’.

Here are some examples.

There's no milk.

I'm going to buy some.’

So what you see here is the subject and then thebeverb - ‘am’.

‘I am

And then here we used a contractionI'm’.

I'm going to buy some.’

I made a decision to buy some because there's no milk.

The next sentence says, ‘It looks like it's going to snow tomorrow.’

Here the subject isitand so I use thebeverb – ‘is’.

it is

It'sis the contraction.

It's going toAnd then we use the base verbsnow’.

The wordtomorrowshows that this is a future action.

He's going to take a trip in the summer.’

Because the subject ishe’, we use thebeverbis.

And we can use the contractionhe's’. ‘he isorhe'sgoing to

And then the base verbtake

take a trip in the summer

Again an action happening in the future.

Let's move on.

Now, let's take a look at the negative form of

the future simple tense.

The first example says, ‘Stan will not like his English score.’

No matter what the subject is, we follow withwill notand then the

base form of the verb.

Stan will not like his English score.’

We won't give you money anymore.’

In this case, the subject iswe’.

And we follow with the contractionwon't’.

It sounds really different and it's different from other contractions,

butwon'tis the contraction forwill not

so you can saywe will notorwe won't’.

They're the same.

We won't give you money anymore.’

Again, you notice the base verbgiveafternot’.

He is not going to fly until next week.’

This sentence usesbe going to’.

The subject ishe’.

And therefore thebeverb we use is – ‘is

However we put anotafter thebeverb.

He is not going to …’ And then the base verb.

He is not going to fly until next week.’

The last sentence says, ‘You are not going to go to the party tonight.’

The subject isyouand so we use thebeverb – ‘are’.

You are not going to go …’ That's the base verb.

‘… to the party tonight.’

Let's move on.

Now let's take a look at how to form basic questions in the future simple tense.

The first sentence says, ‘He will play with us.’

To turn this into a question, all we have to do is change the order of the

first two words.

SoHe will becomesWill he’.

Will he play with us?’

The next sentence says, ‘He is going to play with us.’

This one usesbe going to’.

The subject ishe’.

And so thebeverb to use is – ‘is’.

Then we havegoing toand then the base verb.

He is going to play with us.’

When I make a question, I simply again change the order of the first two words.

Is he going to play with us?’

Now if the subject were to beyouorweorthey’,

we would saythey are’.

And so the question would say, ‘Are they'.

'Are they going to play with them?’

for example.

So again, remember, forwillin the future simple tense,

just saywillsubject and then the base form of the verb.

However forbe going toquestions, make sure that you pay attention to the proper

'be' verb to use at the beginning of the question.

To answer the first question, ‘Will he play with us?’

You can sayYes, he willorNo, he won't’.

Is he going to play with us?’

You can say, ‘Yes, he's going toorNo, he isn't going to’.

Let's move on.

Let's look at how to formWHquestions in the future simple tense.

If you notice each question begins with aWHword.




And What

The first two sentences usewillfor the future simple tense.

Who will win the game?’

To answer I can say, ‘My team will win the game.’

When will they arrive?’

They will arrive in two hours.’

Now these two sentences havebe going to’.

Where is he going to study?’

In this case, I have thebeverb – ‘isbecause the subject ishe’.

Where is he going to study?’

I can say, ‘He is going to study at the library.’

And finally, ‘What are you going to do?’

In this case, I use thebeverb – ‘arebecause the subject isyou’.

What are you going to do?’

‘I am going to take a shower.’

Let's move on.

For this checkup let's take a look at the will usage for the future simple tense.

The first example says, ‘Jen and Paul [blank] home soon

with the verbgo’.

Remember, when usingwillfor the future simple tense,

it doesn't matter what the subject is.

We saywilland then the base verb.

So here we can say, ‘Jen and PaulorThey will go home soon’.

‘I [blank] a scientist after I graduate.’

Try filling in the blank withbe’.

Again, we simply saywill be’.

‘I will be a scientist after I graduate.’

Now try this one, ‘We [blank] that because it smells bad.’

I want you to use the negative form with the verbeat’.

Here we say, ‘will not eator remember we can use the contractionwon't’.

We will not eat thatorWe won't eat that because it smells bad’.

Now look for the mistake in this sentence.

‘I will eat a pizza for lunch.’

Remember, we need the base form of the verb.

‘I will eat a pizza for lunch.’

Angie and I will playing a game.’

Again we need the base form of the verb.

Angie and I will play a game.’

And finally, ‘Will she be cook dinner?’

This is a question.

However we need to say, ‘Will she cook dinner.’

We do not need abeverb here.

Let's move on.

Let's practice thebe going tousage of the future simple tense.

We [blank] going to _blank_ soccer.’

I want you to use the verbwatch’.

Remember, forbe going toin the future simple tense,

we start with the subject and then thebeverb.

The subject here iswe’.

So we need thebeverb – ‘are’.

We are going toand then the base verbwatch’.

We are going to watch soccer.’

‘I [blank] going to [blank].’

The verb istalk’.

And I want you to use the negative form.

In this case, the subject is ‘I’.

And so I use thebeverb – ‘am’.

‘I amand then we neednot’.

‘I am not going to

Then the base verbtalk’.

Why [blank] you going to [blank]?’

The verb here isgo’.

In a question, especially aWHquestion, we start with theWHword,

and then thebeverb.

areis the correctbeverb because the subject isyou’.

Then we havegoing to’.

And again, the base form of the verb.

Why are you going to go?’

Now try to find the mistake in the next sentence.

You are going to studying at home.’

Can you find the mistake?

You are going tothat's correct.

But we need the base form of the verb.

You are going to study at home.’

You will be going to learn English.’

You will be going

That sounds a little strange.

Remember, we don't need thewillhere.

We're usingbe going toand we need to change thebeverb to match the subject.

You are going to learn English’.

Or remember, you can also say, ‘You will learn English.

and finallyIs he going to do play soccer.’

uh-oh We have two verbs here.

Is he going to’ - that's correct.

But we havedoandplay’.

We don't need both, so we say, ‘Is he going to play soccer?’

Great job everybody.

Let's move on.

Great job, everyone.

You now have a better understanding of the future simple tense.

There's still a lot of practice you need to do because this tense is so important.

Keep studying and I'll see you in the next video.

Hi, everybody.

I'm Esther.

In this video, I will introduce the future continuous English grammar tense.

This tense can be used to express an ongoing action in the future.

I'll go over the basics of this lesson.

And by the end you'll have a better idea of when to use this tense.

There's a lot to learn, so let's get started.

One usage of the future continuous tense

is to talk about an ongoing action that will happen in the future.

We include when this action will be happening.

We can usewill beorbe going to be’.

To do this, let's take a look at some examples.

‘I will be taking the test soon.’

So you can see here we have the subject and thenwill be’.

After that, we include verb +ing.

The wordsoonat the end of this sentence indicates when this action will be happening.

‘I am going to be taking the test soon.’

This sentence means the same thing as the first sentence,

but instead ofwill be’, we usedbe going to be’.

Here the subject is ‘I’.

And therefore we have thebeverbam’.

‘I am going to beAnd then verb +ing.

‘I am going to be taking the test soon.’

I can also use the contraction and say.

I'm going to be taking the test soon.’

The next sentence says, ‘He will be sleeping by 10 p.m.’

And the last sentence says, ‘They are going to be …’

Here, because the subject isthey’, we useare’.

They are going to be studying …’ There's the verb +ing

‘… next October.’

by 10 pmandnext Octobershow when these actions will be happening.

Let's move on.

The future continuous tense is also used to show

that a short action in the future is happening

during or while a longer action is in progress in the future,.

We can use the wordwhento show when the shorter action occurs.

Take a look at the first example,

‘I will be sleeping when they arrive.’

Here we see two actions,

‘I will be sleepingandthey arrive’.

The part of the sentence that's in the future continuous tense is the longer action

that's in progress in the future.

‘I will be sleeping.’

Remember, ‘I will beand then verb +ing.

This is the action that is ongoing in the future.

Then we seewhen they arrive’.

This is in the present tense.

they arrive

This is the shorter action that happens while this action is ongoing.

We will be having dinner when the movie starts.’

This is very similar to the first sentence.

We will be having dinner …’

That's the ongoing action that will happen in the future.

And while this is happening, the movie will start.

But again, we use the present tense here.

the movie starts

So we will be having dinner when the movie starts.

Tina is going to be working when you leave.’

Remember, we can usebe going to bein this tense so,

She is going to be working when you leave.’

This shorter action will happen while this ongoing action is in progress.

And finally, ‘It will be raining when you go shopping’.

Again, this is the ongoing action.

And this is the shorter action.

Let's move on.

Now, I'll talk about the negative form of the future continuous tense.

Here are some examples:

He will not be reading before bed.’

For the negative form, after the subject andwill’, we saynot be’.

And then verb +ing.

He will not be reading before bed.’

He'll be doing something else.

The next sentence says,

My dad won't be cheering when the game ends.’

So this is very similar to the first sentence.

We have the subject, ‘my dad,’

and instead ofwill notwe use the contractionwon't’.

Remember, ‘won'tis a contraction forwill not’.

My dad won't …’ and then we havebeverb +ing.

My dad won't be cheering when the game ends.’

The next sentence says, ‘He is not going to be working tomorrow.’

Here we have thebe going to be’.

Soheis the subject and so we use thebeverbis’.

After thebeverb, we saynot’.

He is not going tobeverb +ing.

He is not going to be working tomorrow.’

Remember, we can also use a contraction here and say,

He isn't going to be working tomorrow.’

That's okay as well.

We aren't going to be shopping on Sunday.’

Here the subject iswe’.

And so thebeverb to use isare’.

I use the contraction herearen'tforare not’.

We are not …’ orWe aren't going to be shopping on Sunday.’

Great job.

Let's move on.

Now let's talk about how to form basic questions in the future continuous tense.

Take a look at this first sentence.

It says, ‘He will be traveling next month.’

Now, to turn this into a question,

all you have to do is change the order of the first two words.

SoHe willbecomesWill he’.

Will he be traveling next month?’

You'll notice that the rest of the words don't change.

Only the first two words.

So, ‘Will he be traveling next month?’

To answer you can say, ‘Yes, he will.’

orNo, he won't.’

The next sentence says, ‘They are going to be living there.’

Again to turn this into a question, simply switch the order of the first two words.

They arebecomesAre they’.

Are they going to be living there?’

To reply you can say, ‘Yes, they are.’

orNo, they aren't.’

Now, you'll notice in these two sentences,

there is no exact point in time that shows when this action will be happening in the


There is nonext monthor anything like that.

In that case, it simply means sometime in the future.

So, they are going to be living there sometime in the future.

That's what that means.

Great job, everyone.

Let's move on.

Now, I'll go into how to formWHquestions in the future continuous tense.

Take a look at the board.

First, you'll notice that all of these questions begin with theWhwords -

Where,’ ‘What,’ ‘Who,’ andWhen’.

Let's take a look at the first question.

Where will he be working?’

When we usewill be’, we start withWhereand thenwill’.

After that, we have the subject + be and then verb +ing.

Where will he be working?’

I can answer by saying,

He willorHe'll be working at the factory.’

The next question says, ‘What will she be watching?’

This is very similar to the first question.

The only difference is that the subject is nowsheand the verb is different.

What will she be watching?’

I can say, ‘She'll be watchingorShe will be watching her favorite tv show’.

Who will they be talking to?’

Again, very similar.

To answer,I can say,

They will be talking to their mom.’

The last question hasbe going to be’.

When are we …’ here the subject iswe’.

So we start with thebe verb’ – ‘are’.

When are we going to be meeting Casey?’

I can say,

We are going to be meeting Casey later tonight.’

Good job, everybody.

Let’s move on.

Let's start a checkup for the future continuous tense.

Take a look at the first sentence.

It says, ‘They _blank_ at school tomorrow.’

I want you to usewill' and then the verbstudy’, for this tense.

Remember, in the future continuous tense,

no matter what the subject, we saywill beand then verb +ing.

So the correct answer for this sentence isthey will be studying

They will be studying at school tomorrow.’

The next sentence says.

Jesse _blank_ a TV show later.’

Here, instead ofwilltry to usebe going to be’.

Jesse _blank_ watch a TV show later.’

I want you to use the verbwatch’.

So, Jessie is aheor it can be ashe’.

Sometimes the name is used for a boy or a girl.

Either way I need to use thebeverb – ‘is’.

Jesse is going to be

and then we need verb +ing.

Jesse is going to be watching a TV show later.’

The next sentence, I want you to find the mistake.

We willn’t be studying at the library today.’

We will not …’

What's the contraction forwill not’?

Well it definitely isn'twilln’t’.

The contraction iswon't’.

We won't be studying at the library today.’

And finally, ‘Sally and I will be meet our friends soon.’

Remember, we needwill beand then verb +ing.

So the correct answer is,

Sally and I will be meeting our friends soon.’

Good job, everyone.

Let's move on.

Now, let's move on to the next checkup of the future continuous tense.

Take a look at the first sentence.

It says, ‘He _blank_ at the door when the movie ends.’

I want you to usewilland the verbwait’.

Remember, for this tense, we needwill beand then verb +ing,

so the correct answer is,

He will be waiting at the door when the movie ends.’

The next sentence says, ‘We are not …’ so this is a negative,

‘_blank_ the play when he performs’.

Here, instead ofwill’, I want you to usebe going to beand the verbsee’.

We already have part of that phrase for you.

We are …’, here's thebeverb, ‘not

so this is negative.

And then we saygoing to be

and then verb +ing.

We are not going to be seeing the play when he performs.’

Now find the mistake in this sentence.

They won't be stay at home when the delivery man visits.’

They won't be

That's correct in the negative form.

However, we need verb +ing.

They won't be staying at home when the delivery man visits.’

And finally, ‘Terry is going to working when the manager arrives’.

Terryis aheorshesoisis the correctbeverb to use.

going tothat's also correct.

What we're missing here isbe’.

Terry is going to be working when the manager arrives.’

Good job, everybody.

Let's move on.

Now, you have a better understanding of the future continuous tense.

Please take some time to study and practice this tense as it is very important.

I know English can be a struggle, but don't worry, I'm here for you.

And I believe in you.

I'll see you in the next video.

Hi, everyone.

I’m Esther.

In this video, I will introduce the future perfect tense.

This tense is used to express an action in the future

that will happen by a specific time in the future.

This tense can be a little difficult to understand but don't worry I will guide you through it

so keep watching.

The future perfect tense is used to express an action in the future

that will happen by a specific time in the future.

Let's look at some examples.

The first sentence says,

The snow will have stopped by April.’

We start with the subject.

In this case, ‘The snow’.

Then, we follow withwill haveand the past participle of the verb.

In this case, we usedstoppedfor the verbstop’.

At the end of the sentence, you'll noticeby April’.

by Aprilshows the specific time in the future when this action will have happened.

The next sentence says,

By the time he graduates, he will have completed five years of study.’

In this sentence,

By the time he graduatesor the specific time in the future.

comes at the beginning of the sentence

sobyplus ‘a time in the future

can come at the end or it can come at the beginning.

By the time he graduates, he will have completed…’

Again, you seesubject + will + haveand the past participle of the verb.

In this case, ‘completed’.

By the time he graduates, he will have completed five years of study.’

The next sentence says,

Her arm will have fully healed by the summer.’

In this example, ‘by the summer’, the future specific time, comes at the end.

By this time in the future, herarm’, that's the subject, will havehealed’,

the past participle.

Here I putfullyjust to show how much it will have healed.

I’m just adding an extra description.

The last sentence says,

By next month, …’ so here we seebyandthe timeat the beginning of the


you’, that's the subject.

will have received’, there's the past participle.

your promotion.’

Again, ‘By next month you will have received your promotion.’

Let's move on.

Now, let's talk about the negative form of the future perfect tense.

Here are some examples.

Let's take a look.

The first sentence says,

‘I will not have graduated from university by July.’

First, I want to point out that at the end, I have the specific time in the future,


Now for the negative form, what I do is say, ‘subjectandwill not have’,

then we put the past participle of the verb.

‘I will not have graduated from university by July.’

The next sentence says,

Ollie and Max will not have spoken ...’

There it is again, ‘will not haveand then the past participle of speak ...

which isspoken’.

‘… before the plane leaves.’

Here, instead of the wordby’, we usedbeforeto show a specific time in the


That's okay as well.

The next sentence says,

You will not have eaten dinner by 6 p.m.’

Here, again, we've usedby 6 p.m.’ to show a time in the future.

And again, you seeyou will not haveand then the past participle of eat which


The last sentence says, ‘By noon …’, there's the time again,

‘I will not have taken off to Japan.’

takenis the past participle oftake’.

Let's move on.

Now, let's move on to how to form questions in the future perfect tense.

The first sentence here says,

You will have gone to work by 10 a.m.’

To turn this into a question, all we have to

do is switch the order of the first two words.

You willbecomesWill you’.

You'll notice that the rest of the question stays the same as the sentence.

Will you have gone to work by 10 a.m.?’

You can answer by saying, ‘Yes, I will have.’

orNo, I will have not.’

The next sentence says, ‘She will have woken up by noon.’

Again, to turn this into a question just switch the first two words.

She willbecomesWill she’.

Will she have woken up by noon?’

Again, the rest of the sentence stays the same.

Will she have woken up by noon?’

To reply, you can say, ‘Yes, she will have.’

orNo, she will have not.’

Let's move on.

Now, I'll talk about how to formWHquestions in the future perfect tense.

If you notice on the board, each of these questions begins with theWHword.

Where’, ‘what’, ‘who’, andwhen’.

Then after eachWHword comes the wordwill’.

Where will’ ‘What will

Who willandWhen will

So let's take a look at the first question.

Where will’…’ then you addthe subject’.

In this case, ‘you’.

And then, ‘haveand after that the past participle of the verb.

In this case, it'straveled’.

Where will you have traveled by December?’

I can answer by saying, ‘I will have traveled to Germany and Denmark.’

There are many possible answers here and this is just an example.

The next question says, ‘What will they have done …’

doneis the past participle ofdo’.

‘… by the end of the evening?’

I can answer by saying, ‘They will have done their homework.’

The next question says, ‘Who will she have interviewed by 5 p.m.?’

Again, ‘who will’ + the subjecthaveand the past participle of the verb.

I can answer this question by saying,

She will have interviewed the teachers by 5 p.m.’

And finally, ‘When will they have started to learn?’

One way to answer this question is to say,

They will have started to learn in January.’

Let's move on.

Let's start this checkup for the future perfect tense.

Take a look at the first sentence.

It says, ‘We _blank_ that book by tomorrow.’

The verb to use isread’.

Remember, in the future perfect tense, we start with the subject,

and we have that here, ‘we’.

Then say, ‘will haveand the past participle of the verb.

So here we need to saywill have’.

What is the past participle ofread’?

The correct answer isread’.

They're spelled the same, but they are pronounced differently.

We will have read that book by tomorrow.’

The next sentence says, ‘She _blank_ the video by bedtime.’

Here we havenotso I want you to try the negative form.

And the verb to try iswatch’.

In the negative form, we start with the subject.

And instead ofwill have’, we saywill not have’.

She will not have …’ Then we need the past participle of the verb.

In this case, it iswatched’.

She will not have watched the video by bedtime.’

Now find the mistake in the next sentence.

Ryan will not have be to Cuba by summer.’

This is the negative form because we havewill not have’.

That's correct.

But we need the past participle ofbe’.

So we need to change it tobeen’.

Ryan will not have been to Cuba by summer.’

The last sentence says, ‘I will have go to school by 8 30 a.m.’

Here, we have the affirmative, ‘will have’.

But, uh oh, we forgot the past participle ofgowhich isgone’.

‘I will have gone to school by 8 30 a.m.’

Great job, everybody.

Let's move on.

Good job, guys.

Now you have a better understanding of the future perfect tense.

I want you to keep studying and practicing this tense.

I know studying English can be difficult, but I believe in you

and I will guide you through it.

I'll see you in the next video. Hi, everybody.

I’m Esther.

Welcome to the last tense.

If you haven't checked out my earlier videos on the tenses,

please go check them out now.

In this video, I will talk about the future perfect continuous tense.

This tense can be used to describe an ongoing action

or situation that will last for a specified period of time in the future.

There's a lot to learn, so keep watching.

The future perfect continuous tense is used to talk about an ongoing situation

that will be in progress for a period of time at a specific point in time in the future.

Let's take a look at some examples.

The first sentence says,

She will have been living in Ireland for 10 years at that point.’

So no matter what the subject, in this case we haveshe’,

we follow withwill have beenand thenverb +ing’.

So, ‘She will have been living in Ireland …’

Then this sentence has the duration.

What period of time will this last? ‘for 10 years

And when?

Remember, we need a point in time in the future.

In this case, we just use a general expression, ‘at that point’.

Here, it's not specific and that's okay.

We'll see some specific examples in the next sentence.

By midnight, he will have been sleeping for four hours.’

Here, the specific time in the future comes at the beginning of the sentence.

By midnightAnd, again, we seewill have been’ +

verb 'ing'.

By midnight, he will have been sleeping for four hours.’.

Here we havefor four hours’.

This shows the duration or how long this action will be in progress.

So, again, ‘By midnight he will have been sleeping for four hours.’

The last sentence says, ‘In June …’

Here, again, we have the specific time in the future at the beginning of the sentence.

In June, ‘wethat's the subject.

we'll have been studying …’ There's theverb +ing’.

‘… at this university for four years.’

Here is the duration, ‘for four years’.

Good job.

And let's move on.

Now, let's look at the negative form of the future perfect continuous tense.

In the affirmative form, we saysubject’ + ‘will have beenand thenverb +ing’.

In the negative form, however, we say, ‘subject’ + ‘will not have been

and thenverb +ing’.

Let's take a look at some examples.

The first sentence here says,

At that point, I will not have been living in Spain for 10 years.’

And so you see it.

‘I’ is the subject.

‘… will not have beenand thenverb +ing’.

In this case, ‘living’.

The next sentence says,

He will not have been sleeping for four hours by midnight.’

Again, we see thesubject’ + ‘will not have beenand thenverb +ing’,


The last sentence says,

By then, we will not have been studying at this university for three years.’

Again, we see thesubject’ + ‘we will not have beenand thenverb +ing

here, ‘studying’.

Let's move on.

Now let's take a look at how to form questions in the future perfect continuous tense.

Here, the sentence says,

Sean will have been playing soccer for a year by December.’

To turn this into a question, all we have to do is switch the order of the first two


So instead ofSean will’, I can sayWill Sean’.

Will Sean have been playing soccer for a year by December?’

You'll notice that the rest of the sentence stays the same.

I can answer by saying, ‘Yes, he will have.’

orNo, he will have not.’

The next sentence says,

They will have been working there for three months by that time.’

Again, I changed the order of the first two words.

To turn this into a questionThey willbecomesWill they’.

Will they have been working there for three months by that time?’

Again, the rest of the sentence stays the same.

I can answer by saying, ‘Yes, they will have.’

orNo, they will have not.’

Let's move on.

Now let's take a look at how to formWHquestions in the future perfect continuous


Take a look at the board.

All of these questions begin with aWHword.

where’ ‘what

whoandhow long

Take a look at the first question.

Where will you have been walking?’

To form aWHquestion, we start with theWHword, thenwill’.

After that, we add the subject, ‘you’, ‘they’, ‘sheandyou’.

After that, we addhave been’ + ‘verb +ing’.

Where will you have been walking?’

What will they have been playing?’

Who will she have been talking to?’

andHow long will you have been working …?’

There's theverb +ing’.

‘ … there by the time you finish?’

So let's go through one more time and I'll show you how to answer these questions.

Where will you have been walking?’

I can answer by saying, ‘I will have been walking in the park.’

What will they have been playing?’

They will have been playing video games.’

Who will she have been talking to?’

She will have been talking to her cousin.’

And finally,

How long will you have been working there by the time you finish?’

By the time I finish, I will have been working there for five years.’

Let's move on.

Let's start a checkup for the future perfect continuous tense.

Take a look at the board.

The first sentence says,

By 10 p.m., I _blank_ that game for three hours.’

I’m looking to use the verbplay’.

Remember, in this tense, we need to havesubject’ + ‘will have beenand thenverb +ing’.

SoBy 10 p.m., I will have been playing …’

Again, we needverb +ing’.

‘… I will have been playing that game for three hours.

The next sentence says,

When she gets here, he _blank_ dinner for an hour.’

Try to use the verbcook’.

Again, no matter what the subject, it doesn't change.

When she gets here, he will have been cooking …’

When she gets here, he will have been cooking dinner for an hour.’

Now, find the mistake in the next sentence.

Steve and Jan will not have be waiting for a year when it arrives.’

Here, we have a negative form, ‘they will not have’.

Then we needbeen’.

They will not have been …’

And then theverb +ingis here so that's correct.

Steve and Jan will not have been waiting for a year when it arrives.’

The last sentence says,

It will have been work for 10 years on January 15th.’

So maybe here I’m talking about a computer or a TV.

Maybe some kind of machine.

it’ ‘It will have been …’

I see the mistake here.

We needverb +ing’.

It will have been working for 10 years on January 15th.

Great job, everybody.

Let's move on.

Thank you so much for watching this grammar course on the future tense.

If you haven’t watched the grammar course for the past or present tense,

make sure you do that now. Thank you again for watching,

and I’ll see you next time. Bye.