A bitter pill to swallow

This means something that is very unpleasant, but which much be accepted.

When she found out that her husband wanted a divorce it was a bitter pill to swallow.”

Apple of my eye

It means someone you cherish above all others and originally meant the central aperture of the eye.

She was the apple of my eye. As soon as I met her I knew she was the one for me.”

Sell like hot cakes

If something sells like hot cakes, it sells very quickly or it sells very well.

The new iPod is selling like hot cakes.”

Best thing since sliced bread

This means something that´s excellent or very useful: the best thing since the invention of sliced bread.

This new gadget is the best thing since sliced bread.”

Sour grapes

This means pretended disdain for something you cannot have.

He said he didn't want to join the golf club anyway, but it was clearly sour grapes.”

Leave a bad taste in the mouth

If something leaves a bad taste in your mouth, it means you have an unpleasant memory of it.

He felt he'd never been given a chance to prove how good player he was, so when he was transferred to another club, it left a bad taste in the mouth.”

Eat your words

To eat your words means to admit that something you said before was wrong.

He always said she'd never make it as an actor, but now he has to eat his words.”

To have your cake and eat it

When we sayyou can't have your cake and eat it”, it means you can't have it both ways, or you can't have everything you want. If you eat your cake,you don´t have a cake anymore.

The prime minister said if we want better healthcare, we have to pay more tax.

We can't have our cake and eat it.”

To take the biscuit

If someone does something that is really annoying or surprising you can say it really takes the biscuit.

"She's checking your emails now! That really takes the biscuit!"

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

This means eating an apple every day keep you healthy.

A bad egg

To say someone is a bad egg means a person who is bad, dishonest or unreliable.

Their oldest son was always a bad egg. He was always getting in trouble as a kid and served years in prison for armed robbery.”

Don't cry over spilt milk

This means once something has happened there's nothing we can do about it, so there's no point complaining about little things that aren't important.

I'm so annoyed you missed your bus to college.”

Hey, don't cry over spilt milk, I'll catch the next one.”