Speak English Fluently (10 easy steps)


Hello friends, welcome back.

Do you want to speak English fluently?

Do you want to improve your level of English, so that you're confident

speaking in English, and enable you to speak

English fluently? In this video lesson,

we'll go through 10 steps to speak

English fluently. Together we'll go through this 10 steps

to help you improve your level of English and

to enable you to speak English fluently.

Before we go through the 10 steps to speak

in English fluently, I would love to hear from you.

How long have you been learning English for? Have you been learning

English for 5 years, or three years,

of 2 years, for one month.

Tell me in the comments below this video. How long

how you been learning English for? Regardless to

how long you've been learning English for, use this 10 steps

to improve your confidence when speaking in English,

and to enable you to speak English fluently.

Let's begin by looking at the first step, that being

why are you learning English? In order to

speak English fluently, to remain consistent,

and to improve your level of English,

it's very important to understand why are you learning English.

Are you learning English to get a promotion?

Are you learning English to get a new job?

Are you learning English to move abroad?

Are you learning English to study abroad? Why are you

learning English? Clearly define, friends,

on a piece of paper, why you are learning English.

By you clearly defining why you are learning English,

by writing this why down on a piece of paper,

this will help you with the next step.

Second step to speaking English fluently is to be positive.

I have talked a lot about this in previous video lessons,

but learning English, developing the ability to learn

use, and to speak in English fluently,

recquires you to have a positive mindset.

Friends, it will be hard at times. You will get stuck,

you may not remember different words, you may

want to translate, and when you translate,

you're probably translating that in the wrong way,

in the English language, but you will make mistakes.

It will not be easy all the time,

learning English, speaking in English,

and improving your confidence.

For this reason, it is very important for you to be positive.

Have a positive mindset and imagine yourself.

So, in the first step, we defined

why are you learning English. Let's get

the situation that you're learning English to get a promotion.

Imagine yourself speaking at work

in English, holding presentations in English,

full confidence that you're

not translating, you're not getting stuck, you're speaking

in English at work. By you having a

positive mindset when learning English, it will

improve your ability to achieve

English fluency faster. When we are negative, friends,

we don't wanna learn. We don't wanna do anything.

We are not motivated. If you do get down,

if you do get a little bit depressed, or

you're not happy with your level of English, think back to

why you're learning English, and imagine yourself

using English, speaking in English, doing

what you want to do using

that English language. In the first two steps we've

gone through the importance of understanding why you're learning

English, so that you can complete the second step,

which is to remain positive, to remain on target

and accomplish your goal

The third step is to identify what type of learner are you.

Are you a visual learner? So, do you

see things, and you remember things better when you see them?

Are you an audio learner? So, you like to listen

to people talking about things, and you better

remember those words, phrases and expressions

when you hear them? Or are you a type of learner

who likes to read and write? So, you learn better

when you read something and you write it down?

Or are you one of those learners which are touchy-feely?

So, you're a kinestethic learner, you like to touch

and you learn by touching and doing?

Friends, identify what type of learner you are,

so that you can incorporate and use this learning

style every day, more

often when learning the English language. By you

also identifying what type of learner you are, you'll be

more motivated. Learning English will come more naturally

to you, because you, you learn like this,

naturally, and you want to learn English like that.

It will be easier for you. Identify

what type of learner you are, and

learn English in this way. The fourth

step to achieving Enlighs fluency, is to make English

a part of your everyday life. Friends, for you to

be able to improve your English, to speak English fluently,

you have to be using English

every single day. The more you use English, the faster

your level of English will improve. You can do this

by listening to podcasts, listening to music

in English, watching your favourite TV show

in English, by reading newspapers, by reading

boks in English. The options are endless.

Make English a part of your everyday life,

to enable you to learn new words and phrases

but also to keep you immersed in the

English language. Take a few minutes to

write down on a piece of paper exactly how you can make

English a part of your everyday life.

Associate this, link this back to your learning style,

write this down on a piece of paper, and do this more often.

Fantastic. So, third step,

you've identified what type of learner you are,

and in the fourth step, you are pushing yourself to make

English a part of your everyday life.

In the fifth step, you should be challenging yourself.

You should be challenging yourself and pushing yourself

to be using English every single day.

Ideally, this should be in spoken form.

You should be speaking in English for

a minium of 5 minutes a day.

This challenge should not be easy. You should be

challenging yourself to talk about different topics,

in English, which you haven't talked about

before. Friends, by you challenging yourself to speak

to other people in English, this will

improve your confidence. This will improve your ability to think

faster in English, to think of words,

phrases and expression you have to use in certain

situations speaking in English. You could

be speaking online, you could be speaking offline.

You could be going out, speaking to friends

in English, speaking English more,

speaking English with real people, use your English

and you will see your confidence and fluency will improve.

The sixth step is a step that I really

push a lot of my students to do, and I think it's one

of the most important steps to be able to speak in English

fluently and to develop your confidence

simply using words, phrases and expressions

in English. Sixth step is writing.

Write in English on a consistent basis

for 5 minutes day. Friends, this writing

should be free writing. Get a pen and paper,

a great way you could do this is to keep a journal, to keep a diary,

to write what you'll be doing tomorrow,

what you did today, just write,

free writing in English. Now, you may be

wondering: But how is this going to improve my spoken English?

Friends, by you writing,

you're not speaking to anybody, yes, this is true.

But you are forcing your brain to think in English.

So, you're forcing yourself to use those words, phrases

and expressions you've heard on paper.

If you don't have the opportunity to speak to anybody,

in English, you can train your brain to write

regularly, for five minutes a day,

and you will see that when you have to speak,

in English, you will be able to do this a lot

faster. If you're struggling to start, just write

simple sentences. Write: I went to the shops today.

I ate a banana for breakfast.

And you will see that if you remain consistent

with this, it will get a lot easier,

and you will see that in a weeks time, you'll be writing a lot more.

Be consistent, write down, write

in English every single day for about 5 minutes,

and you will see that your ability

to speak in English will improve,

and your English fluency will improve.

The seventh step is to do something in English.

Friends, you want to be doing activities using

the English language, because by you doing things

that you love in English, you'll be more motivated

to speak in English, to actually express

and to talk to people doing those activities.

Let's go to an example: if you're living in an English speaking country.

If you're living in an English speaking country, sign up

for a gym class. If you like working out, go

to the gym, do this in English. If you like

knitting, find a knitting club, find

other people knitting in English, and do this

only with English speakers.

If you like to play soccer, find a soccer club,

sign up for a soccer team, and play

soccer on a regular basis with other English speakers.

Now, if you are not living in an English speaking coutry,

you can also do things using the

English language that you like online.

Find an online community, be that

a Facebook group, Whatsup groups, find

English speakers doing things you like using

the English language. There are many Facebook

groups out there you can use, interact

speak to English speakers about things

that you like. By you

doing activities using the English language, you are

interested. You're interested in learning English,

you'll be relating this to your why, and you'll be more

consistent. You won't be in those

activities or those communities because you have to be

there for learning English. You'll be there

because you genuinely want to speak to those people.

And because you want to speak to those people, you're gonna have to speak to them

in English. The eighth step to speak

English fluently is to celebrate. Celebrate small victories. Remember, we did begin

this lesson saying it's very important to have a positive mindset,

so that you are consistent, and you want to

congratulate yourself, give yourself a pat on the back when you

do things, when you speak regularly,

in English, when you're immersing yourself

in English, reward yourself.

Celebrate the fact that you are being consistent,

be that you want to give yourself a chocolate bar, whatever you want to do,

reward yourself.

ccelebrate the fact that you are consistent.

Celebrate the fact that you did push yourself to speak to another

person in English. Congratulate yourself,

reward yourself, and you will want to

continue learning English. The ninth step

to speaking English fluently is patience.

Patience is the key to success and happiness, friends.

You have to be patient. Learning

any new skill in life takes time.

Let alone learning a language. Understand that it will take you

time. It will take you time to master

the English language, but be patient.

Be patient and in time, you will see improvement,

and you will see that you will be able to speak

English fluently. The tenth step, the final step

and the most important step to achieveing

English fluency, being able to speak English fluently,

is to make mistakes.

Friends, mistakes are so important.

Native English speakers make them all the time.

I've probably made a hundred mistakes in this video lesson.

We learn from our mistakes. Go out there,

speak to other English speakers, make mistakes,

learn from your mistakes, improve, and avoid

there mistakes in the future.

Instead of perceiving mistakes as being a bad thing, think of

mistakes as being great things.

Think of it like this: Say you make 10

grammatical errors today. But you'll learn ten

new grammar points you can use

better use tomorrow. Think of those mistakes

as improvement you can make tomorrow when speaking

in English, when speaking to other English speakers.

Friends, I would like to highlight that the more that you practice, the more you use your English, the faster you'll improve your English

fluently. There you have it friends, those are the 10 steps

you can use to improve your level of English,

and to finally be able to speak English fluently.

Remember friends to join the discussion in the comments below this video,

and tell us how long have you been learning English for,

and do you use any of these tips

or steps to improve your level of English.

Remember friends, if you like this video lesson, make sure to like it,

hit subscribe, and be a good friend by sharing

this video lesson with a friend learning English.

Thanks for being here, thanks for watching,

and I'll see you in the discussion in the comments below

this video.

Bye for now.