25 English Words And Vocabulary to say Thank You in English


Hello friends, welcome back.

Would you like to thank somebody for helping you out or for doing something for you in English,

but you're tired of always saying thank you? In this video lesson we will improve your vocabulary.

Together we will learn 25 other ways of saying

thank you in English, so that you can sound more natural and more fluent speaking in English.

To help you better learn,

remember and use these 25 other ways you can thank somebody in English, in this video lesson

we'll go through seven possible

situations you may find yourself in in the future when you would have to thank somebody in

English. Let's begin by looking at the first situation, that been, when somebody has done you a favor.

When somebody does your favor, it means that they help you with something. Even though in these

situations they may not be that willing to help you, they still offer to help you without you asking.

For example: Yesterday when I'm knocked up from work, it was bucketing outside.

Bucketing means that it was raining a lot outside.

And I didn't have a ride home. My friend Bob saw that I was stuck.

I was a little bit worried that I'd get rained on.

He offered me a ride home. In this situation, Bob offered me a favor. He told me: Adriana,

I'll give you a ride home. In this situation, I thank Bob by saying: Bob, that's very kind of you.

Here instead of just saying thanks, that's very kind of you. Or, I could have said: Bob you made my day.

Here, I'm thanking Bob because he's been such a wonderful and such a caring person. Other informal ways

I could've thanked Bob in this situation could have been:

Thanks so much,

Bob you're awesome.

But what about in casual situations? So maybe you're at work and somebody does something really nice to you.

You've known each other for a long time,

And you just want to simply say, thank you for something nice

they've done. For example, my colleague Mary every morning when I get to work, she makes me a cup of coffee.

To thank her I could say: Thank you, thank you Mary.

Or, I could use the shortened form: Thanks. Thanks, Mary.

Or I could even say: Thanks so much.

Thanks so much for making me that cup of coffee. I could also say: Thanks a million.

Thanks a million. Or I could also use a slang term, which I do use quite often: Cheers!


But what about if Mary helped me with something really specific at work. For example:

I was struggling to write the email and I really needed guidance.

Mary helped me and in these situations, I could thank her by saying: Thank you for your guidance.

Thank you for your guidance. It really helped me write that email. Or, I could also say:

Thanks for explaining this to me.

Again, thanks for explaining this to me, Mary. I really understand how to write this email now.

Friends, these two ways of thanking somebody are very formal, and are very often used in the workplace.

But what if somebody visits you, so maybe somebody visits you at home, at your workplace, at your office,

and you want to thank them. In this situation you could use the expression: Thank you for stopping by.

Thank you for stopping by. As I mentioned before, me and Mary are great colleagues,

and I really want to thank her for helping me achieve an important goal

which I had to complete last week. If you would like to thank somebody for

helping you to achieve an important goal, you can use these phrases:

I couldn't have done it without you.

Thank you, Mary for helping me write their email. I couldn't have done it without you. Or you could use the expression:

I really want to thank you for your help. Or I could use

the expression: I really appreciate your help.

Again, I really appreciate your help.

Friends, these three expressions are very formal. Use these formal ways of saying thank you,

Especially if you're working, if you're talking to somebody who you have a lot of respect for and you want to sound more formal

speaking in English. But what about when somebody surprises you, they do something really nice

which you didn't expect at all. For example:

maybe today's my birthday and Mary brought me a cake, and I didn't really expect it.

Ways that I could thank Mary could be: Oh, Mary, I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Friends,

this is a nice way if somebody really does something really nice, and you're left speechless,

instead of just saying thanks,

I don't know what to say. Other two ways that I could thank Mary could be: Oh, you shouldn't have, or:

How thoughtful of you! In both these situations, they're very nice polite ways of saying

thank you to somebody who's really done something nice for you.

But what about those tough times, so these situations when bad things are happening,

and you have somebody there that helps you and you would like to thank them for their assistance.

In these situations you could use a phrase: I'm really grateful for your help.

Or you could say: This means a lot to me.

So if somebody's really helped you through a bad period and it means a lot to you, you could thank them by saying: This means

a lot to me. If you're going through a tough time, and you maybe can't do something, you can't think straight and

somebody steps in, they help you out. You could thank them by saying: Thanks for having my back.

Thanks for having my back.

Friends, we'll use this expression to thank somebody when really they support you, maybe they do something during that tough

period that you're going through to really help you, to really get you out of that situation.

So life keeps going, they've got your back. They're supporting you ,you thank them saying: Thanks for having my back.

Maybe you have to repay them in the future for having your back. You can also use expression:

I owe you one. To thank them and to tell them that in the future you will also help them out.

Again, that phrase was: I owe you one.

But what about what you want to thank somebody formally, usually in written form in work

situations? When I say written form, we're talking about email correspondence. If you would like to thank somebody

formally through email, you could use these expressions.

If they reply to your email you could say: Thank you for contacting me.

Thank you for contacting me. But if they reply to your email really fast, you could say: Thank you for your prompt reply,

Thank you for your prompt reply. Here the word prompt means fast. Instead of saying fast reply,

prompt reply is a lot more formal. If you'd like to thank somebody for giving you feedback or giving you some form of

assistance through email, you can also use these expressions:

I appreciate your feedback.

Here you could also change the word appreciate to grateful.

So you could say: I appreciate your feedback, or: I'm grateful for your feedback.

There you have it friends, 25 other ways you can say thank you in English.

Watch this video lesson a few times and try to imagine yourself in those situations.

When you could use these other ways of saying

thank you in English.

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Thanks for being here. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the discussion in the comments below of this video.

Bye for now.