"I CAN'T SPEAK IN ENGLISH" Tips To Speak English Confidently


Hello friends, welcome back.

Are you able to understand English speakers? You know

English, you know words, you know grammar.

You can read, you can write

But when it comes to speaking, you can't speak in

English. In this video lesson I will share with you

some reasons why you can't speak in English.

Together, we'll also

go through six of those reasons why

you can't speak in English, by using and sharing

some tips to help you speak English confidently

and, most importantly, change your mindset.

Change your mind, change the way you think about

learning and improving your English

so that you can speak English fluently and

with total confidence.

Friends, there are probably many reasons why you feel like you can't

speak English.

I've chosen some reasons many of you have told me in the past

but I would love to here from you, now, today. Tell

me in the comments below this video, why do you think

you can't speak English?

Add in as much detail so that I can help you out

in the next video lessons.

Now friends, you have everything you need

right now to be able to speak in English. But you simply

don't know it. By you watching this video lesson,

I am assuming you are an intermediate to an advanced

English learner

as you probably can understand 50 - 80%

of what I'm saying, and I'm speaking in English,

I'm teaching you the English language, in English.

So, you already know some words.

You already know phrasal verbs, idioms, expressions,

you can understand this. You have this information

somewhere in your mind

but you don't know how to use it when you have to

speak in English. The first, main reason

is that you feel shy. As English is your second language,

and you're simply shy and scared to start

speaking in English. You're shy and scared 'cause

maybe people will laugh at you, they'll make fun of your accent,

maybe you'll use the wrong word, you'll use the wrong

grammatical structure, but, you're simply scared

because of some unknown reason. But maybe you're not scared,

maybe when you do have to speak in English, you simply

forget everything you know. You get so

freightened by the moment that you forget the words, you forget the phrases,

you're simply lost. You don't know

how to use and remember those words

everything you've learned in the past. Then maybe you get

angry, you get really angry 'cause you've been studying English for

a while, you know that you can understand when you're watching TV shows

and movies, but you just get

frustrated with yourself, because when you have to

speak, you simply can't.

Then, most likely, you simply give up. You think:

English isn't for me, I just,

I can't speak in English, it's not something that I can do.

And you just stop learning, you stop focusing

on improving your English on a daily basis, you give up.

Friends, if you've found yourself in these reasons,

you are not alone. Many English learners, many foreign

language learners feel the same. I've felt the same in the past,

and there are things you can do to improve your confidence

speaking in English, and simply speak in English.

Now, the first thing that you can do if you feel

shy, and if you feel scared to speak in English,

what I want you to do is to understand. Change

the way that you think and perceive English

and speaking in English. Friends, if you are able to speak

a second language, you're richer. You're smarter

'cause you are able to speak to many other English people

or many other people in a second language.

You're talented. You're talented as you know another

skill. Instead od worrying about

what people would think, about your accent,

pronunciation, even forgetting words, give yourself

a pat on the back and say: Hey, this is a skill. It's a life skill

that I'm developing, and it will enable me to speak to

other people, maybe even apply for jobs, move abroad.

Try to perceive speaking in English as a

good thing. Something that will be better for

you in the long term.

This will help you to stop being shy,

and just simply boost your confidence, and be more confident when you do

have to speak with other people.

Another great way to improve your confidence is to speak in front of a mirror.

Now, I don't know about you guys,

but I recently started speaking in front of a mirror,

and it's a little bit nerve-racking. You know, when you're standing in front of a mirror,

and you're talking to yourself, it can be a little bit awkward.

You know, strange. But, if you do

use this regularly, you will become more comfortable with yourself,

speak in front of a mirror, and then when you do have to speak

with other people, you will

feel more confident as you practiced this by yourself.

Now, you may be wondering, what do you speak about

with yourself in front of a mirror. You can speak about anything.

You could speak about your day, you could talk about what you did yesterday,

what you'll do in the future, you can talk about

what you need to do for that day, where you need to go...

What you want to do... Anything. Just speak.

Make it a habit to speak in front of a mirror to boost your confidence,

so that, you know, if you're confortable with yourself,

you will be more comfortable speaking to other

people. Now, this will also help

you to remember new words, grammar,

phrases, and everything that you forget when you do have

to speak in English, Remember,

at the beginning of this video lesson, I did say that

consistency is key. When I say consistency

I mean that you need to be practicing

and using your English every single day. Now, speaking

in front of a mirror will help you remember. Help you

use. You'll be thinking: Okay, how do I say this,

how do I say that, what word do I need to use,

and you are training your brain to consistenly think of those words,

grammatical structures, and most importantly, use them

in spoken form. By doing this in front of a mirror

you'll see: Okay, how awkward do I look? Do I look comfortable?

And in time, you will give yourself feedback,

and you'll see that it'll become more natural and you'll feel

more comfortable speaking to yourself, remembering those words,

and most importantly, speaking in English.

Now, if you're struggling to find sentences

what things to talk about to yourself, in front of a mirror,

what you could do is create role-play

situation. So, pretend, role-play situations.

They could be, maybe, job interviews,

maybe having coffee with a friends, maybe you're

waiting at a hotel reception, maybe you're on the phone...

Role-play different situations you may find yourself in

in the future. Do this in front of a mirror

if you have nobody to speak to, and try to pretend

that, okay, put yourself in the one role, in the other role,

that being like, okay: Hello, Adriana, how are you today?

Pretend it to be a telephone call.

Oh, I'm fine, thank you, how are you, Bob?

Mimic, copy, create role-play situations

in your head. Be creative. This will help

you better prepare for future situations

you may find yourself in, and so that you can

remember those words, grammatical phrases,

you do need to use when speaking in English.

Now, to really be improving your English, you do

need to get regural feedback. You can,

yes, get feedback from a teacher, but you can

also get feedback from other people

and from yourself. Let's begin by looking at getting

feeback from yourself.

One way you can get feedback from yourself

on your speaking skills is by applying the shadowing technique.

If you don't know what the shadowing technique is,

please watch the video in the description below this video,

talk all about the shadowing technique,

what it is, how you can apply it, and why it's so important for you.

So, basically, the shadowing technique is when

you copy. You hear something, and you copy excatly

what that speaker is saying. Shadowing

will help you start. Just simply hear it,

you don't need to think about anything, you're just repeating, saying those words out loud.

You're making English, speaking in English

a habit.

One thing you could be doing by applying the shadowing technique

is recording your voice. So, while

you are copying somebody else,

saying exactly what they're saying out loud, what you

can do is record. Record yourself saying,

speaking in English, and then listen.

Listen to yourself speaking in English and compare.

Compare what you've said to

that English speaker.

Pay attention to any pronunciation mistakes,

pay attention to intonation, pay attention to

connected speach. By comparing, you're giving yourself

feedback. You will see what mistakes

you're making and what you need to work on. Friends,

please, do note that mistakes... They're not bad.

Mistakes are great actually, for you, especially

when you're speaking in English. Make mistakes,

learn from your mistakes, and make sure to be consistently

working on improving your mistakes.

Now, speaking independently, by yourself, is also

great, but it is also good to be putting yourself

out there. Put yourself out there in awkward situations,

be that online and offline, with other English speakers.

Find people to speak to in English.

Whenever I say this, a lot of people say: I don't have

anybody to speak to in English. Friends,

you're watching this video lesson,

I'm posting this on YouTube, you're watching

me teach you, in English, and you are

able to find an English speaking partner

or somebody to speak to in English.

Search in Facebook groups, search forums,

find people speaking in English, speaking about topics

you are genuinely interested in,

and create connections with English speakers.

By speaking to other people, you will see that, okay,

everything that you've practiced, practiced before,

in front of a mirror, by yourself, role-play situations, you will see if you are improving. If you

can not forget those words,

phrases, everything you've practiced.

And you, if that person is truly

able to understand everything you are

saying, you will be able to know that person

is able to understand you, if you are able to keep

the conversation going. Friends,

all these ways, these tips, you can start improving

you English speaking skills, upgrade, you can

use and apply on a daily basis, but that's

pointless and useless if you're

thinking negatively. It's very important for you to

change your midset, change the way you perceive,

and think learning is all about.

Friends, if you go in negatively, for example, a lot of

you are asking me this question, well,

tell me this statement, I can't speak in English,

this is a very negative statement. Be more optimistic,

say: I want to be able to speak in English.

I'm struggling to speak in English, but I will be able

to improve it in two weeks.

Think positively, instead of thinking negatively,

that you can't think - I will improve my English.

I want to improve my English. I will do something to

improve my English. This way you'll be more ready

to practice on a daily basis. Also friends, if you are

watching this video lesson, and if you are able to understand

50 - 80% of this lesson, you should

feel very proud of your level of English.

I am speaking now at my natural pace, well, maybe

I'm adjusting a little bit, but, basically, I'm speaking

in English, and you should be proud that you are able to understand

native English speakers. Now, if you do

struggle with speaking in English,

understand that even native English speakers make mistakes, I probably

made here some mistakes, but, be proud of knowledge

that you have at the moment, and be proud of your

progress over time. There are many people out there

that don't speak two or three languages, do understand

that it is a skill to be able to speak two or more

languages. Also understand

that mistakes are not bad. We learn from our mistakes,

actually, I encourage you to go out there, to make more mistakes,

to even embarras yourself a little bit in

conversations, but, don't do this repetatively,

do learn from your mistakes, understand that

okay, made a mistake, this is a consequence of

this mistake, and in the future I will not do that again.

Mistakes are actually crucial and very important

for you to learn, improve and develop

as an English speaker. Also, finally, I do

recommend that you never compare. Never

compare your speaking skills to somebody else.

There are many English speakers in English speaking countries with accents,

different pronunciation, different word choice, everybody

is different,

Everybody expresses themselves differently,

and this is fantastic, This is a beauty of

any language, communication, do not

compare yourself to other English learners, be happy.

Only compare your progress from yesterday

to today, to tomorrow. Okay? Don't compare

yourself to other people, but do compare

how you are learning, improving and developing.

There you have it friends, I hope this reasons, tips and mindsets

will help you to finally be able to speak

in English confidently and fluently.

Remember friends to join the discussion in the comments below this video,

and tell me exactly why do you think

you can't speak in English.

The more detail that you add in will help me

better help you in future video lessons. Now friends,

if you like this video lesson, make sure to like it,

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a good friend. Help your friends learning English

by sharing this video lesson with them.

Thank for watching, thank for being here, and I look forward to

seeing you in the comments below this video.

Bye for now.