How To Learn Phrasal Verbs? (Improve your English Vocabulary)


Hello friends! Welcome back in this video lesson we'll go through four easy ways

you can learn and master phrasal verbs... Friends phrasal verbs can be a little phrasal verb can have many different meanings! Use these four easy

ways to better help you understand, and most importantly use these phrasal verbs when speaking in English

Before we go into the four easy ways you can learn

and remember phrasal verbs, it's important to understand what is a

phrasal verb? A phrasal verb is a two or three word combination of a verb plus a

preposition.... some examples of some phrasal verbs are: get away, get through,

take off, put off and put on. Friends there are hundreds of phrasal verbs in

the English language... and if you're learning phrasal verbs you may have

noticed that one phrasal verb can have a completely different meaning depending

on the context... you may have noticed this and you may have felt frustrated! :(

Frustrated because that one meaning you've learned, you learnt it in one

context, but in another context it has a completely different meaning! Friends

sometimes one phrasal verb in the English language can have several

different meanings... let's have a look at the phrasal verb take off so that you

can understand... for example the phrasal verb take off, its first meaning can be

an airplane leaving the ground.... for example our flight takes off at 8:00 a.m.

The second meaning of the phrasal verb take off can be to remove something from

something... an example of this could be when I get home I take off my jacket...

the third definition of the phrasal verb take off can be to make rapid progress... for

example sales have taken off recently... the fourth definition of take off could

be to leave abruptly... for example yesterday we were having dinner but Bob

just took off all of a sudden... so here Bob just left abruptly... friends can you

see how confusing and frustrating phrasal verbs can be! One

phrasal verb, depending on the context, can have several different meanings!

Friends as we already know there are hundreds of phrasal verbs in the English

language.... and we also know that one phrasal verb can have many different

definitions... for this reason it's important to be learning phrasal verbs

by topic! Friends by learning phrasal verbs by

topic you'll be able to better understand the context that these

phrasal verbs are used in... if we have a look at the phrasal verb to take off... so

we do know that the phrasal verb take off has four different meanings... the best way

to avoid confusion and avoid misusing or using the wrong phrasal verb in a

sentence is to be learning phrasal verbs by topic

divide your life by topics and think about maybe your morning routine, your

work life, your personal life, your hobbies, what you do for fun.... any topics

that relate to you! Let's use the topic of morning routines... friends try

brainstorming...think of any phrasal verbs you could use to describe your morning

routine... you could do this by making a list, writing these phrasal verbs by

topic in a notebook... so that you have them physically on paper, and then you

know that these phrasal verbs, you can use to talk about your morning routine...

some phrasal verbs you could use to describe your morning routines could be..

to get up, to wake up, to turn on, to turn off and to perk up... fantastic

so you've thought of a few topics which relate to you... which relate to your

everyday life ...the next step is to be personalizing these phrasal verbs! Use

these phrasal verbs by personalizing them :) Friends it's not enough to just to

be writing these phrasal verbs down on a piece of paper

you have to personalize them by making sentences... friends write sentences

down on a piece of paper using these phrasal verbs... it's very important to be

constructing sentences to be using these phrasal verbs in a sentence, in context,

so that you can remember them... you can remember their meaning based on the

topic... and you can remember to use them when speaking in English... friends your

sentences don't need to be complex... you can make them really simple sentences ...for

example: I usually wake up at 7:30 a.m. I usually turn off my alarm at 7:31, I drink

coffee in the morning to perk me up... friends by personalizing them to your

everyday life you are using these phrasal verbs and you are remembering

how they are used in context... this will enable you to remember the phrasal verbs

when you're having conversations in English and it will better help you

differentiate from the different meanings one phrasal verb can have... now

friends you may feel a little stuck, you don't know that many phrasal verbs.... at

the beginning of this lesson I told you there are hundreds of phrasal verbs in

the English language, but how do you find them? The third step is to be listening...

remember friends IMMERSION! immerse yourself ,surrounding yourself with the

English language is such an important step to English Fluency...

Surround yourself by listening to English being used... listen to English

being used naturally and pay attention to the phrasal verbs that English

speaker are using... friends by paying attention to these phrasal verbs that

English speakers are using, you'll notice the phrasal verbs being used

naturally, in context! This will also better help you to remember them... One thing

you can do is to add these phrasal verbs to your little journal, diary and make

sentences with them, if those phrasal verbs are new to you.... remember to be

adding those phrasal verbs to the topics you have created...

this will ensure that, okay you know this phrasal verb is used in this topic

and you will not use that phrasal verb in the wrong context... friends I do

understand that you may not be familiar with these phrasal verbs when you hear

them being used! Pay attention to the reaction of the speaker... do they look happy? Do

they look sad? What are they talking about? try to identify the meaning of

the phrasal verb in context... Friends this goes back to the first step... learn

phrasal verbs in context... because this will really help you to not only

remember and use these phrasal verbs in the future... but it will also enable you

to use them correctly! You don't want to be using the wrong phrasal verb in the

wrong context! Listen, pay attention observe and you will see that you'll

better identify and better remember them in the future... the final way to perfect

and master the use of phrasal verbs is to be using phrasal verbs in spoken form!

Friends speak to somebody in English! Speak about different topics with

friends and try to use those phrasal verbs when you're having conversations

in English... by speaking to people, REAL people in English... by speaking about

those topics you have created which are relevant to you

you can push yourself to use those phrasal verbs and see if the other person

is able to understand what you're saying, to test that you have fully understood

the meaning of that phrasal verb... and most importantly that you are able to

use that phrasal verb in spoken English! Friends please note that you will maybe

make some mistakes, you may misuse that phrasal verb.... be positive :) Learn from your

mistakes, try to identify what the mistake was, so that you avoid that

mistake in the future! To sum up this lesson, friends it's important to be

learning phrasal verbs by topic to ensure that you are using the correct

phrasal verb in the right context... try to personalize those phrasal verbs, make

sentences with phrasal verbs so that you can

remember and most importantly use them when speaking in English... but don't stop

there! Surround yourself with the English language, immerse yourself by listening...

listen to English speakers use phrasal verbs and pay attention to any new

phrasal verbs you hear... finally go out there, speak in English! Use those phrasal

verbs when having natural conversations with real people in English... Remember

friends practice makes perfect, the more you practice the better you

will get! Continue practicing and learning phrasal verbs with these phrasal verb lessons

remember friends to hit subscribe and to turn on

notifications so that you receive the latest lessons I make good luck and

happy learning bye for now