podEnglish 05 - Grocery Shopping


Lesson Plan




This lesson is all about questions.

Questions with do and does.

We are going to ask and answer questions using do and does.

Do you like shopping?

I do.

Do you go shopping alone?

I don't. I go with my girlfriend.


Now we're going to watch a movie with two friends.

What is this?

I like

This is not one of your football games.

They talk about going to grocery shopping.

Nik I need to pick up some things at the store. Would you like to join me.

Sure, what you need to buy?

Well I need some juice, bread and cheese. I also need shrimp for tonight. We're going to dinner party and everyone has to bring something.

You're always going to dinner parties!

Whose party is it tonight?

It's Anna's birthday today, Anna Richards and she's having a few people over for dinner. She loves my shrimp scampi.

Yours shrimps is quite good. We should also buy some juice.

Do you like grapefruit juice?

Yes, I do I love him.

And I need some cheese, as well, is cheese expensive here?

It's a little expensive, it's about 30 to 50 R&B.

Yeah, but a bit expensive.

And I need some apples and oranges too.

I'm going to buy green apples or red ones.

Well I like green apples, my husband likes red so you can bought booth.

Does Alex need to go shopping?

Let's listen to what she says.

Nik, I need to pick up some things at the store.

Would you like to join me?

Does Alex need to go shopping? Yes, she does.

We can ask short questions that start with:

Do you…?


Does she…?

Do you want to go shopping?

We can answer with yes or no like this:

Yes, I do.


No, I don't.

We say does and doesn't when we use he, she or it.

Yes, she does.

No, he doesn't.

What does Alex need to buy?

Well I need some juice, bread and cheese.

What does Alex need to buy?

She needs to buy some juice, bread, cheese and shrimp.

What does Alex need to buy?

What is question word?

Does is a helping verb.

Need is an infinitive verb.

Use do with plural subjects and does with singular subjects.

The main verb in the question is in the infinitive.

In the sentence need is an infinitive verb.

What does Alex need?

Let's ask another question.

What does Alex wont to make for the Anna's dinner party.

Let's try a short quiz.

Where does Alex want to go with Nik?

Nik, I need to pick up some things at the store.

She wants to go to the store.

Is cheese expensive?

Is cheese expensive here?

It's a little expensive.

Yes, it is. It's a little expensive.

Does Alex like red apples?

Well I like green apples and my husband likes red so you can buy booth.

No, she doesn't.

She likes green apples.

That was great! Today you've learned to ask short questions that start with do and does.

Do you like red apples?

No, I don't.

Does Alex need to go shopping?

Yes, she needs to go shopping.

Well done, see you again soon!