How to THINK in English ONLY


Hello friends, Welcome back! In this video lesson you will learn how to think in

English! :) Friends if you're an intermediate to an advanced English

learner, that being if you can understand 50 to 80 percent even 100 percent of my

video lessons, you are able to train your mind to think in English! Friends

training your mind, improving your ability to think in English will improve

your English fluency :) In this video we'll go through three steps, three steps in

detail, so that you can use these steps to improve your thought process in

English and ultimately improve your English fluency

Friends before we go through the three steps you need to be taking to improve your thought process,

to improve your ability to think in English, it's very important to

understand why do why do you need to be able to think in English... friends if you're

constantly translating from your native language to English while you're having a

conversation in English you won't sound natural! Training your mind to think in

English will enable you to have more meaningful conversations and to be able

to better express yourself in English... as you are watching this video lesson, I'm

assuming that you are at an intermediate to an advanced level of English, so you

are ready to train your mind to think in English... developing the ability to think

in English takes time! You may think at times that it's too difficult that you

don't know many words in English or you simply can't speak in English or do

anything in English without translating... Friends you can and in this lesson we're

going to go through these three steps.. Those steps being immersion, the first and

most important step....the second step being

say NO to translating and the third step being doing! Doing and applying :)

In order to be able to think in English you have to be able to understand words

phrases you have to learn and hear English being used....

Friends this is where immersion comes into play! In order for you to be able to

think in English, you have to hear English being used naturally... Immerse

yourself in the English language friends the first step to improve your

ability to think in English is immersion.... immersion is surrounding yourself with

the English you may be wondering how can you immerse yourself

in the English language? I know that many of you are watching from different

locations around the world... some of you don't live in English-speaking countries

there are ways that you can immerse yourself in the English language

even if you're not living in an English-speaking country... you can do

this in various ways... one way of immersing yourself in the English

language is by listening to podcasts... there are many great podcasts out there

you can use to listen to English being used naturally... you could watch a TV show

or a movie in English... by watching a TV show or a movie, you like, you'll hear you

words, grammar, phrases, expressions being used which you can use when you are

training your mind to think in English... you could even listen to an audio book

find an audio book, somebody reading a book out loud and listen to them

speaking in English... and at the same time you're also reading a book... well

actually listening to a book being read! But you're immersing yourself in English!

You could even listen to a song... listening to songs is a great way to

immerse yourself in the English language... I know I do it all the time in the

Croatian language! I find a song that I like, I do a little dance

..have a little fun... and I imitate, I shadow, I sing along.... this will enable

you to have fun and to immerse yourself in the English language so that you can

hear English being used and you training your mind to think in English.... Friends

immersing yourself in the English language will train your mind to think

in English... because you hearing English being used

consistently.... friends immersing yourself, surrounding yourself with the English

language will help you to think in English... you can't think in English if

you don't surround yourself with the English language... you have to hear

English being used so that you can train your mind to think in English... We've gone

through the first step how you can start thinking in English, you have to be

immersing in yourself, surrounding yourself with English being used

naturally, so that you can hear, listen, understand so that you can think faster

in English.... but while you're listening to English being used NO translating... okay

the second step in improving your ability to think in English is to say NO

to translating.... friends if you're translating what you hear, if you're

consistently thinking of those words or listening to something and thinking

about it in your native language you're not improving your fluency... but you're

improving your translation ability... friends you want to be a fluent English

speaker, you want to think fast, so for this reason you should not translate! If you

are consistently translating you will stop, pause, think.... a lot of processing is

going on in your brain when you hear a new word... I want you to think of that

word, learn that word in context... friends by learning new words and learning new

English vocabulary in phrases and in context it will be easier for you to

remember that word and remember how to use that word in the future... friends if

you are translating one word in English to your native language,

maybe that word is not used the same in your native language as it is used in

the English language... for this reason I just strongly suggest that you don't

translate ever in English! If you want to speak English naturally and fluently,

because one word can have many different meanings in the English language and one

word, maybe is not used in that context that you would use it in in your

native language.... friends if you can understand 50 to 80% of this video

lesson, then you are ready to use a monolingual dictionary... do not use a

bilingual dictionary! By using a monolingual dictionary you are also

training your mind to think in English... you are reading so you will see that

word, you'll see if it's a noun, adjective, adverb... and you will see the definition...

also with monolingual dictionaries you will also, most likely, see a few examples

of that word being used.... this is training your mind to think in English. as you are

reading.... reading is also a crucial part of English development and English

fluency... and you are reading something in English, hence you're improving your

ability to think in English... so friends say no NO to translating... do not translate!

it will just cause you a headache and frustration and a lot of anger, because

you're doing a lot more thinking than you really need to do! Stop translating

and use those words, learn those words in context... okay so in step 1 we talked

about immersion, surrounding yourself with the English language, so they can hear

English being used more, you can listen to new words, you can practice connected

speech in the second step we said NO to translation... so immersion and say no to

translation.... friends the third step for you to develop your ability to think in

English is to use your English! Friends it's quite simple... you have to use your

English! ... The third step is use your English use those words, grammar, phrases and

expressions you've learned through immersion, you've learnt by looking up

those words in a monolingual dictionary and by learning them in context.... friends

when you're using your English, I suggest that you start small... so let's start with

those new words and phrases you've learned through immersion and by not

translating.... start making sentences with those words! By making simple sentences

with those words, you can make sentence in your head, you can talk to yourself,

you can write them down on a piece of paper.... you are thinking in English! An

example of this could be, for example the word awkward ... so awkward maybe a new word for you...

if you don't know what awkward means... so you've looked it up in a

dictionary and you found out that the definition of awkward is something or

someone that's causing difficulty or someone or something that's hard to deal

so here friends... you are okay, you're training your mind to think in English

but you want to take it one step further... you want to use this new word in a

sentence...friends talk to yourself! I do understand

that it may sound a little crazy, but talk to yourself by making simple

sentences.... you could make a simple sentence using the present simple... for

example... I am awkward or she is awkward. Friends by doing this, by making really

simple sentences, not only will you remember that new word, but you will

remember how to use that word in English and you're training your mind to think in

English.... to think in English to be able to express yourself:) Friends don't worry

about making complex sentences in English.... keep them simple for the

beginning... why not make a sentence using your mother, brother, family, father, auntie,

our next-door neighbor.... whoever it is use them in that sentence

so that you can personalize it and you can remember it in the future.... for

example: awkward.... who is awkward in my family? my brother is awkward or maybe my

mother she's not really an awkward person... so my mother isn't awkward...

Friends by doing this, by saying these sentences in your mind.... you are thinking

in English.... so you have learned a new word, you used this word in English and

you're already training your mind to think in English... another great way to

train your mind to think in English is to write in English....

Friends a lot of English learners really miss this step.... I personally love

this step and I always suggested it to all of my students, that learning how to

write in English is such an important skill, if you feel a little bit silly

speaking to yourself in English.... which I completely understand, put that new

sentence down on a piece of paper.... now friends vocabulary lists and

vocabulary books, I know that many of you may have them and some teachers

recommend them.... I do recommend that you do keep a vocabulary notebook/journal

whatever you want to call it.... but don't stop with just the new word and the

definition.... take it one step further so that you're improving your ability to

think in English, by making a sentence with that word in English... Friends by

using your English by making sentences, using those words; either in spoken or

written form, you will see your ability to think in English improve.... another great

way to improve your ability to think in English is to be writing in English on

a consistent basis... many English learners really forget about this step, but one

great way for you to think in English is to keep a diary... friends why not write in your

diary every single day, every single night... you don't have to write a whole

essay just five minutes.... five minutes what you did that day and you will see

that you will be forcing yourself to use new phrases expressions to express

yourself in written form, therefore you are training yourself to think in

English... Friends keep a journal, write in that journal every single night... by

writing, by spending five minutes a day writing, putting pen to paper, using those

new words, phrases grammatical structures, you've heard through immersion and by not

translating... you will see that you are using, well in time, you'll be using new words

phrases to express yourself... also you'll see that it become easier... the more

consistent you are, if you do this on a regular basis, you'll see that it will

be easier to consistently write in English! another

way you can use your English is by chatting on the internet with people in English!

Friends English is a means of communication! Find a pen pal, find

somebody online you can chat with in English and if you are not a fan of

keeping a journal or a diary you can have a conversation in written form with

somebody and again you'll be forced to use those new words, phrases, grammar,

which you've learnt through immersion in interaction with people... start chatting

with people online in English and you will see that your ability to think

faster in English will improve.... another way you can improve your ability to

think in English is to be speaking more in English friends.... if you're watching

this video lesson you can understand 50 to 80 percent of this lesson I know that

you can speak in English... be confident! everybody gets shy, you do have to start,

you will stutter, you'll forget wods but the more that you are speaking in

English... speaking to real people, you will see that you're able to think faster in

English... you'll also notice the difficulties that you have when it comes

to'll notice that ah maybe I'm just

translating too much or maybe I don't know enough words to be able to speak in

English... then you can go back to the first step, that being immersion....

surround yourself with a topic, that vocabulary that you need and then use

that the next time you have a conversation in English... Friends please

note that it does take time to develop the ability to think in English...

be positive, be optimistic and use your English.... use your English on a consistent

basis, immerse yourself, don't translate, use it... and you will see that you will be

able to improve your English... if you are still struggling with confidence or need

tips for English fluency, make sure to check out this playlist here where I

share many more tips to improve your English fluency... friends if you need

MORE speaking practice, if you need practice speaking in English and

improving your confidence speaking in English... join us in The #UsingEnglishTP Classroom

learn more about The #UsingEnglishTP Classroom by watching this

video lesson here.... remember friends I post weekly video lessons here to help

you speak in English, so make sure to hit subscribe and turn on notifications so

that you receive the latest lessons! I look forward to seeing you in the

comments below this video... See you there bye for now