Learn English With One Direction


james seriously get back here now uh now if you're not experiencing

all sorts of different things i was never really afraid of those now

Today we are learning all about English accents with One Direction.

Even if you're not a fan of the band this lesson will help you better understand

English accents and British Culture because every member is from a different part of the UK

or Ireland. You will see lots of examples and have the chance to boost your English listening.

So this lesson is divided into two parts. In part A we will look into each member's accent and the

most distinct characteristics of the region they are from. In part B we will compare and contrast

how each member pronounces some specific sounds like the "th" sound the glottal "t" and different

vowel sounds. The best part is that if you watch until the end you'll see all of this

information synthesized so you can take notes and revisit everything you learned with this video.

Now in case you're new here we make lessons every week to help you learn Real Native English

without getting lost, without missing the jokes and without subtitles just like Stephen who says

that our channel motivates him a lot so be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell down below

that way you won't miss a single one of our new lessons! Well before we dive into the different

accents let me ask you a question: do you like most learners when hearing about British English

think of received pronunciation the bbc or the queen's English or maybe the cockney accent from

London which is often mimicked in films and TV series? Your answer is probably yes right

after all these are the most common ones taught in language schools, course books and shown in

TV series and movies. But if you watch the video we made about Harry Styles accent

amongst others you probably know that the UK has more than 30 dialects and accents and they

can become quite distinct with just a short trip from one place to another. If you haven't watched

that lesson I highly recommend you watch it next so I'll link it down in the description below.

One direction was originally formed in 2010 by Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan,

Liam Payne and Harry Styles who are from the northeast, north west and midlands of England

as well as Ireland. All of which have their own singular characteristics. However despite those

differences have you noticed how they sound when they sing? It's with one uniform American accent.

Why is that? There are a variety of reasons why this happens. It could be the artist's

musical influence, commercial reasons or the music genre. Whatever it may be it affects how

they pronounce the vowels, which is one of the main characteristics that changes from

one accent to another. When they sing because the muscles are working to project the voice

the vowels are either compressed or extended to fit the rhythm feat and melody of this song. This

also changes the intonation, word stress and rhythm that characterizes different accents.

Both Louis Tomlinson and former member Zayn Malik are from Yorkshire

in northern England. Despite sharing some features their accents are quite different.

Let's take a look at each of them. Louis is from south Yorkshire

Zayn is from a different part of Yorkshire, a city in the west called Bradford. Zayn is of

Pakistani ancestry on his father's side and Irish on his mother's side so that

definitely also influences the way he speaks. We noticed that in the rhythm of his speech.

A strong characteristic of his Bradford accent is that in words like so,

phone ,show, go he elongates the final sound to an "e" instead of o "so",

Another common characteristic of the Yorkshire accent that both Louis and Zayn share is the

tendency to drop the "t" at the end of words like that. Louis actually oftentimes drops both

sounds in the word that and pronounces it just as "a" instead of "that". Check it out!

You can learn more about Louis accent and four

other British ones in this lesson we made which i'll link down below!

Liam is from Wolverhampton, a city in a part of central England

called the Midlands. This region also has a very distinct accent

especially regarding the intonation. You may have noticed that when Liam speaks his voice

has almost a song-like melody going up and down depending on the words he is emphasizing

This is quite typical of more Midland and northern English accents.

Learning a variety of English accents will improve your listening skills and help you

to understand fast speaking natives which is why I highly recommend our Fluent with Friends Course.

Not only will you improve in this area but you'll learn real native vocabulary

understand the jokes and you can also be part of our Fluency Circle which is a Global Community

of English learners just like you! The best part is you can try it for free right now

all you have to do is click up here or down in the description box below. What are you waiting for?

The other members are all from different parts of England but Niall is from Ireland. Sometimes

this can be confusing because the country which is an island consists of northern Ireland which

is actually part of the UK as well as the Republic of Ireland which is not part of the UK. The Irish

accent also varies from region to region. Let's look at some characteristic of Niall's accent who

is from the Midlands region of Ireland. one noticeable characteristic of the irish

accent when compared to the british accent is that Check out how Niall pronounces the words started,

heartbeat, weather and first. Another feature of his accent

is the final diphthong in words like now. The way he says it sounds more like an "o" sound.

Harry Styles is also from the north of England and his accent was highly influenced by the places

he's lived in. However he's probably the band member whose accent most changed over the years.

For example you can notice how his intonation has changed

but also how often times he pronounces the word little,

with the flap "t" americans use or something in between the flat "t" and the glottal "t".

For more on Harry Styles accent don't forget to check out the lesson I mentioned at the

beginning of this video. If you'd like to learn even more British accents such as Cockney, Scouse,

Scottish and even the Queen's English then I highly recommend you check out these two lessons

which are linked down in the description below!

Now let's contrast how some common sounds in the English language are pronounced by the members.

The glottal "t" is the dropping of the "t" sound it's like if the person speaking

swallows the "t" sound in a word rather than speaking it aloud. It results in a

stopping of the flow of air and then a release. Words ending in "y" are usually pronounced with a

long "e" sound. This is how most members pronounce it. Liam however tends to pronounce it as a

short "e" in words like pretty, easy and very. The "th" sound is a very characteristic sound

of the English language and although it's mostly pronounced as when voiced like in that or this

and when unvoiced like in think or theme, the pronunciation of the th can vary quite a lot.

Let's see. Louis tends to pronounce the unvoiced "th" more like an "f" sound in words like

think and thank. The same is true for Harry who has a lot of a Manchester influence in his accent.

Niall in his Irish accent alternates between the standard voiced

and pronouncing it with d or t sounds. In most northern accents the diphthong

two vowel sounds in words like dance and last become one single sound a flat "a".

There are only a few British accents that don't drop the "h" sound in words. "rp" being one of

them. You can see Louis, Liam and Harry pronounce words like him, have, etc. By dropping the sound.

Zayn on the other hand is not consistent with dropping it. Sometimes he does sometimes he

doesn't. Niall however always pronounces it. Check out the "h" in these examples.

All of the band members except for Niall change the sound "uh" in words like up,

mum, done and stuff for round "uh" sound. This is a common feature of British accents in the central

and northern part of England. Take a look at how Niall pronounces it and how the others do it. s

So, let's recap the English accent features we mentioned in this video. As it's common in British

and Irish english all of them drop the "t" sound when speaking words like little, got and right.

In the south Yorkshire accent like Louis you'll hear me instead of mai the drop of the "t" at the

end of words like that and a more open "o" sound in words like show and go in Zayn's accent from

west Yorkshire. Most northern accents drop the "h" in words like hair, horrible and hand. Niall's

Irish accent pronounces it in all words. Another characteristic of the Irish accent that differs

from the British is the "r" sound that is fully pronounced while in most British accents you have

a non-rhotic r sound. Intonation plays a big role in the different accents and it's one of the most

noticeable characteristics. You can see how Liam's intonation goes up and down more frequently while

Niall is more flat the pronunciation of the -ing also changes in the Midlands accent the "g" is

more prominent while in the Yorkshire accent it's usually dropped the th sounds vary from

place to place and sometimes it's pronounced with a "th" sound. So I hope you enjoyed this lesson

and let me know down in the comments below which accent you find more difficult to understand and

which one you find easier to understand. Also are there any other celebrities accents you'd

like us to feature but now it's time to go beyond the classroom and live your English. Aww yeah! So

what is rhythm? this is the speed and cadence of how you say a sentence. So as I mentioned

before we don't say each word at the same speed. That would sound very boring and very robotic.

Now the rhythm of English might be different to the rhythm of your native language so it's

really important to understand the unique rhythm of English.