Business English - Ending a Telephone Call in English | 925 English Lesson 36


You're learning with nine to five English. Business English for the


Hi Tim here with another nine to five english lesson

In today's lesson we're going to learn how to end a phone call in english.

last time we looked at lots of useful expressions

for answering the phone and starting a call

but what about ending a call? if you finished your conversation what

can you say to end the call politely

well for starters one thing you want to avoid is just suddenly saying

goodbye to end a business call professionally there are three simple

steps to follow first you signal

that you want to end secondly you review your action points

and finally you say goodbye now signaling that you want to end a

call often starts with a word like well

so or okay these words show that you want to change

the subject then you can thank the person

and say you need to go or make a general comment let's

practice some of these ways of showing that you want to end a call listen

to each example then repeat it for yourself ready let's get started

well i should probably get going

it's been great to chat

so thanks for all the information

okay i've got to run here

as you can hear these types of comments signal an end to the conversation

you might have noticed two different expressions

that mean you have to leave a situation first was i should probably get

going and the second was i've got to run these are just

friendly ways of saying i need to leave. now a business call is like a little

meeting so the second step in ending a call

is reviewing the actions you've discussed often

this means stating what you will do next like i'll send you the file tomorrow

and if you want to confirm what the other

person will do or what you'll both do you can turn your statement into a

question using a tag that might sound like

so you'll review the proposal next week right let's try some

other examples of reviewing next steps remember to repeat the examples

after you hear them

so i'll send you that file tomorrow and you can let me know what you think

all right so we'll be chatting again next week right

i'll have that package sent off right away

i'll look out for your email later today

one expression you might have noticed there

is isle or i will have that package sent off for example

what does it mean to have something done it means you make sure the thing

is done it might be you it might be someone else but you will

make sure it's done all right

so you've signaled that you want to end the call

and you've reviewed next steps now you're ready to sign off

or say goodbye there are many ways to say goodbye

in english you can wish someone a great day or a

good weekend or good luck with something and we often say

take care or mention when we'll talk again

let's practice some more ways to sign off

at the end of a call once again repeat the examples after you hear them

have a great day bye now

take care amy we'll talk again soon

all right then have a good weekend

good luck with your presentation

did you hear that expression by now you might also hear people say bye for

now or maybe by then

these are just common and friendly ways of saying goodbye so

we've practiced some useful expressions but how do these sound in a conversation

let's listen to a short dialogue between mark

and leslie both people are signaling they want to end the conversation

and using expressions to sign off let's listen

well i hope your interview goes well thanks kevin it's been great to chat for

sure glad we could catch up all right then

have a good weekend

how did that sound leslie thanks kevin for saying he hopes her interview

goes well then she makes a comment about their

conversation mark responds with his own comment and

leslie signs off by wishing him a good weekend now

it's your turn to practice we'll repeat the dialogue

but this time we're going to beep out the second speaker's words

you will have to say those parts yourself

remember to thank kevin and say it's been great to chat then

you'll wish him a good weekend after using the expression all right


well i hope your interview goes well

for sure glad we could catch up

well that's all for this lesson we've learned a three-step process to

ending a business call this includes signaling you want to end the call

reviewing the steps and saying goodbye we'll be back soon

with some more useful english expressions

until then so long and happy learning